Преподобный Феодорит, просветитель Кольский = Venerable Theodoret the enlightener of Kola = Pyhittäjä Feodorit, Kuolan valistaja = Aerverdige Feodorit, Kolas opplyser / [под редакцией епископа Митрофана (Баданина)]. - Санкт-Петербург ; Североморск : Ладан, 2017. - 33, [1] с. : ил.

18 A Short Hagiography of the Venerable Theodoret From 1548 to 1551 - again in Kandalaksha, where he founds the Kokuev Monastery of the Nativity of the Mother of God and “lived there as abbot”. By this time Abbot Theodoret was already seventy years old, but ahead of the Kola elder laid new great deeds and trials. They inclu­ ded both the grief of unjust persecution and the hardships of unde­ served condemnation to exile, and the fame and honor given to a “most wise” theologian, who defended the spiritual value of the Russian faith before proud Greek hierarchs in 1557. Theodoret bril­ liantly accomplished his famous “Constantinople mission”, bringing back “the ancient book”with the blessing of the Ecumenical Patri­ arch on coronation of the Russian tsar (according to the “rite of the Byzantine emperors”). In this way official status was given to the idea that the Kingdom of Moscow had inherited the dignity of the Byzantine Empire and Moscow had called “the Third Rome”. For the fulfillment of this most significant diplomatic task Theo­ doret was granted royal honors and great favors by Ivan the Terrible, culminating in a most tempting offer to grant Theodoret “any spiri­ tual power”he might “desire”1. But until the end of his days the blessed elderwould return again and again to his chosen one - “the land of the midnight sun”, the Kola Peninsula, visiting “his spiritual children, both monks and Lapps, whom he had taught and baptized, and ministering to the salvation of their souls”2, and spiritually nourishing the Pechenga and the Kandalaksha monasteries, until he reached his blessed end as an archimandrite, reposing in the Lord in his native Solovetsky monastery at the age of ninety. 1 Kurbsky. P. 339. 2 Ibid. P. 342.