Преподобный Феодорит, просветитель Кольский = Venerable Theodoret the enlightener of Kola = Pyhittäjä Feodorit, Kuolan valistaja = Aerverdige Feodorit, Kolas opplyser / [под редакцией епископа Митрофана (Баданина)]. - Санкт-Петербург ; Североморск : Ладан, 2017. - 33, [1] с. : ил.

A Short Hagiography of the Venerable Theodoret 17 clear evidence of the success of his mis­ sionary labours. 1526 - at the mouth of the river Niva on the Kandalaksha Gulf. “The Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist was sanctified and many Lapps were bap­ tized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit into our Ortho­ dox faith”1. 1533 - at the mouth of the river Kola on the Kola Bay. “The churches of the Annunciation of the Mother of God and Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker were sanctified and many Lapps were bap­ tized in the name of the Lord and the Son and the Holy Spirit into our Orthodox faith”2. From 1533 to 1540 - “The wilderness beyond the Volga” the hermitages of the Cyril-Belozersky Monastery. There Theodoret worked on creating awritten language for the Lapps. 1540 - “founds a monastery at the mouth of the river Kola” erects “a church in the name of the Sempiternal Trinity and, having gathered brethren, gives them a Rule”3. 1542 - “On one day 2000 Lapps, men with their wives and chil­ dren, having been taught by Theodoret, were baptized”4. 1The Sophia Chronicle // The Complete Russian Chronicles. Moscow-Leningrad, 1929. Vol. 4. Part 1. P. 542. 2The Sophia Chronicle // The Complete Russian Chronicles. St Petersburg, 1853. Vol. 6. P. 289. ! Kurbsky, Andrey, Prince. The History o f the Grand Prince of Muscovy // Literary Monuments o f Ancient Russia. The Second Half of the XVI Century Moscow, 1986. P. 332. , 4<ГШЗВ-11. [Мурманская государственная ( областная универсальная научная библиотека