Преподобный Феодорит, просветитель Кольский = Venerable Theodoret the enlightener of Kola = Pyhittäjä Feodorit, Kuolan valistaja = Aerverdige Feodorit, Kolas opplyser / [под редакцией епископа Митрофана (Баданина)]. - Санкт-Петербург ; Североморск : Ладан, 2017. - 33, [1] с. : ил.

A Short Hagiography of the Venerable Theodoret, Enlightener of the Kola Peninsula (1481 -1571 ) At the beginning of the XVI century, the Venerable Theodoret of Kola came to these ancient, magical “patrimonies of the Prince of Demons” to preach the Christian faith. He was strong in his faith and did not cease striving until he had enlightened the “land of the midnight sun”of Great Lapland, on which the light of the Gospel had not shone previously. The Venerable Hermit Theodoret was the first holy ascetic of the Far North and he desired and consciously prepared from his childhood for the great mission of enlightening this land and converting the broad ter­ ritory of Great Lapland. He devoted the whole of his long life to ful­ filling this dream and succeeded in completing his monumental task. This Kola elder was not alone lonely in his glorious work. The­ odoret was the spiritual father of a great assembly ofNorthern saints from Kola and he left a pleiad of followers of the school of monastic eldership. Among his disciples were such famous ascetics as the Venerable Trifon of Pechenga and Varlaam of Keretsk, the Venera­ ble Martyrs Iona and German of Pechenga, Abbot Gury and 116 other martyrs. The spiritual heritage left us by the great enlightener of Kola, the Venerable Theodoret, is very rich. Many features of his long life are