Живая география Кольского Севера : [пл. проведения автобус. экскурсии для участников междунар. конф. "Экология и Арктика", Мурманск, июнь 1995 г.: Мурманск - Лапланд. заповедник - Апатиты - Поляр. Зори - Кол. АЭС] / Упр. образования администрации Мурм. обл., Обл. экол. центр ; [О.А.Макарова]. - Мурманск: МИПП "Север", 1995. - 9,[1] с.

THE DESCRIPTION OF THE ROUTE Murmansk region is situated on the extreme North-West of Russia. It occupies the vast territory (144936 sg. km) and the largest part of it is situated beyond the Polar Circle. Murmansk region occupies the whole Kola Peninsular and adjoined western and southern parts of the continent. Kola Peninsular is washed by Barents and White Seas, the warm Atlantic current makes the climate of the western part of the region rather mild. Polar night and day, its’length. The relief is various. The mountains are situated to the west and in the central part. The Largest mountain area is Khibiny and its highest pick is Chasnochorr (1191 m above sea-level). The description of climate, winter and summer. The description of vegetable zones: tundra, forest-tundra, northern taiga. Vertical alternation of vegetable zones. Glacial period, the remains: moraines, terraces. Murmansk region as economically developed district, the most developed among the Northern Counties. MURMANSK: administrative centre of the region, port-city, its role. The geographical position. Population. Ecological peculiarities. It was founded in 1918. KITSA: the tipical river of Northern nature — the environes of Kitsa is the approximate border of the forest-tundra zone, the main kinds of arboreal species, the characteristic o f northern forests, fauna. OLENEGORSK: the centre of iron mining (groups of concentrating enterprises). Population. The town was founded in 1957. Sports complex. Ecological peculiarities. MONCHEGORSK: became the town in 1937. The large industrial centre. The group of enterprises ’’Severonickel” . Ecological consequences of nickel production. Arkhipovs. The history o f foundation of Lapland reserve area. LAPLAND NATURE RESERVE: was organized in 1930. The main task is to preserve the wild reindeer and the whole complex of mountain tundra and northern taiga. ENVIRONMENTAL PATH: Chunozero farmstead — Elnjun (using the description). Forest stationary area — the excursion (according to the special plan) of Polar alpic botanical garden. 9