Живая география Кольского Севера : [пл. проведения автобус. экскурсии для участников междунар. конф. "Экология и Арктика", Мурманск, июнь 1995 г.: Мурманск - Лапланд. заповедник - Апатиты - Поляр. Зори - Кол. АЭС] / Упр. образования администрации Мурм. обл., Обл. экол. центр ; [О.А.Макарова]. - Мурманск: МИПП "Север", 1995. - 9,[1] с.

Kirovsk (Museum of Minerals); Apatity (Kola Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Science); Apatity (”Econord” -centre); Poljami Zori (Kola Atomic Electric Power Station). 6. Preliminary schedule: Departure from Murmansk (after breakfast) at 8.00. Stops: a) 5 x 20 minutes = 1 hour (Murmansk, Kitsa, Olenegorsk, Monchegorsk, Lapland reserve area — entrance); b) farmstead of Lapland reserve area — excursion along the environmental path Chunozero — Elnjun — 5 hours; c) tea-time at the farmstead — 2 hours; d) continuing of the route: Apatity — forest stationary — 1 hour; e) excursion around the forest stationary — 2 hours; g) departure to Apatity (hotel) — 1 hour. The total amount of the time spent — 12 hours. Arrival to Apatity at 20.00 (accomodation at the hotel, dinner). 7. Clothes (overalls/jakets, sweaters, rubber boots). 8. The number of participants: 10 groups per 20 persons each, 10 interpreters (2 for each bus), 1 responsible for each group person and 1 guide (for each bus). 9. Transport — 5 buses for 40 passengers each.