Живая география Кольского Севера : [пл. проведения автобус. экскурсии для участников междунар. конф. "Экология и Арктика", Мурманск, июнь 1995 г.: Мурманск - Лапланд. заповедник - Апатиты - Поляр. Зори - Кол. АЭС] / Упр. образования администрации Мурм. обл., Обл. экол. центр ; [О.А.Макарова]. - Мурманск: МИПП "Север", 1995. - 9,[1] с.

BUS-EXCURSION FOR THE PARTICIPANTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ’’ARCTIC AND ECOLOGY” MURMANSK, JUNE 1995 MURMANSK — LAPLAND RESERVE AREA — APATITY — POLJARN I ZORI — KOLA ATOMIC ELECTRIC POWER STATION "ANIMATE GEOGRAPHY OF KOLA NORTH” The aim: geographical and ecological peculiarities of the Kola Peninsular’s nature (horizontal and vertical alternation of vegetable zones, landscape’s peculiarities: the tracks of the glacial and tectonic origin, the system of lakes and rivers, fiords; tipical tundra, forest-tundra and northern taiga plants and animals; northern ecosystem’s vulnerability, negative consequences of natural resources’exploring; economical aspects, population, transport, industrial enterprises; the importance of the North for country’s economy and international cooperation). 1. Two-day route Murmansk — Poljami Zori. 2. Departure from Murmansk at 8.00. Arrival to Apatity at 13.00. 3. The one-way distance — 230—250 km. 4. The length of .separate parts: Murmansk — Lapland reserve area — 180 km, Lapland reserve area-Apatity — 50 km, Apatity — Kirovsk — 20 km, Apatity — Poljarni Zori — 60 km. 5. Stops: Murmansk (a general view from upper road); Kitsa (the border of vegetable zones); Olenegorsk (a general view from the road to Kolozero); Monchegorsk (a view from the road to the techogene territory); Lapland reserve area (the entrance, Chunozero farmstead); Lapland reserve area (ecological path to Elnjun); Forest stationary of Polar Botanical Gardens (Imandra); Imandra (monitoring station of environmental pollution); Kirovsk (Polar Botanical Gardens-Institute); 7