The birds of Pasvik / E. I. Khlebosolov, O. A. Makarova, O. A. Khlebosolova [et al. ; English transl. Nikita Chernetsov]. - Ryazan : Golosgubernii, 2007. - 175 с. : ил., портр.
Figure 2.4. Optimal habitats o f Goshawk (A.g.), Sparrowhawk (A .n.), M erlin (F.c.), Peregrine Falcon (F.p.) and Gyrfalcon (F.g.) in the Pasvik valley. Eagle sees prey, it swoops and catches it on th e water o r on the ground. A foraging White-tailed Eagle usually patrols a water body, looking for a co n c en tration o f waterfowl. Usually it takes sick, weak o r wounded individuals. Som etim es it attacks large birds in the air (Sem enov-T ian-Shansky & Gilyazov 1991, Melnikov 1999, Berezovikov 2006). Unlike the two aforem entioned species, the Golden Eagle is a terrestrial species. It breeds in various forest and m oun tain tu n d ra habitats (Fig. 2.3). Its diet includes relatively large mammals (hare, squirrel, fox, stoat, reind eer), waterfowl and grouse. Poweful feet with large claws allow th e G o ld en Eagle to cap tu re large m am mals and birds whose mass exceeds its own mass (Sem enov -T ian -Shan sky & Gilyazov 1991). Like W hite-tailed Eagles, G o lden Eagles wait for prey sitting on a tree or search for prey soaring. They usually take prey on th e g round but can also capture birds in the air. Small raptors feeding on birds Several small raptors that feed mainly on birds live in Pasvik. They occupy characteristic ecological niches in the ecosystems o f th e Pasvik valley and thus avoid competition. The Goshawk lives in forest habitats and mainly forages on forest-dwelling birds (Fig. 2.4). In the study area its main prey are grouse, m ainly Willow P tarm igan, waterfowl, woodpeckers, Siberian Jays, sometimes small passerines. Goshawks also take a small am ount o f mice and voles (S em enov-T ian-Shansky & Gilyazov 1991). They use various foraging methods. Most often Goshawks sit concealed in a tree and wait for prey. Sometimes they fly low over the g round in th e forest, trying to 86
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