The birds of Pasvik / E. I. Khlebosolov, O. A. Makarova, O. A. Khlebosolova [et al. ; English transl. Nikita Chernetsov]. - Ryazan : Golosgubernii, 2007. - 175 с. : ил., портр.
72. Lesser Golden Plover Pluvialisfulva (Gm elin, 1789). Very rare vagrant, co l lected in 1937 (Wikan et al. 1994). 73. G reater Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula (L innaeus, 1758). Uncomm on breeder along rocky and sandy shores o f rivers and lakes. 74. Eurasian Dotterel Charadrius morinellus (L innaeus, 1758). Rare m igrant and breeder. RM. 75. Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus (L innaeus, 1758). Rare m igrating and breeding species. 76. Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres (L innaeus, 1758). Very rare passage migrant, recorded in 1968, 1974, and 2000 (G un th er & Thingstad 2002). Sandpipers and Snipes Scolopacidae 77. Dunlin Calidris alpina (Linnaeus, 1758). Rare breeding species. RR, RF. 78. Little Stint Calidris minuta (Leisler, 1812). Rare visitor, breeding possible. Recorded in 1983 and 2001 (G un ther & Thingstad 2002). 79. Curlew Sandpiper Calidrisferruginea (Pontoppidan, 1763). Very rare m igrat ing species, recorded in 1973 (Gunther, Thingstad 2002). 80. Temminck's Stint Calidris temminckii (Leisler, 1812). U ncomm on breeding bird o f sludgy shores o f rivers, streams and lakes. 81. Sanderling Calidris alba (Pallas, 1764). Very rare passage m igrant, recorded in 1983 (Wikan et al. 1994). 82. Red Knot Calidris canutus (Linnaeus, 1758). Rare passage m igrant, reco rd ed in 1975, 1982, and 1984 (Wikan et al. 1994). 83. Purple Sandpiper Calidris maritima (B runnich, 1764). Rare m igrating species, recorded in 1905 and 1973 (G un th er & Thingstad 2002). 84. Ruff Philomachus pugnax (Linnaeus, 1758). C omm on breeding species o f sedge wetlands. 85. B road-billed S andpiper Limicola fa lcinellu s (P o n to p p id a n , 1763). Uncommon breeding species o f sedge stands in raised bogs. RM . 48
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