The birds of Pasvik / E. I. Khlebosolov, O. A. Makarova, O. A. Khlebosolova [et al. ; English transl. Nikita Chernetsov]. - Ryazan : Golosgubernii, 2007. - 175 с. : ил., портр.

rials o f other authors. Their analysis shows that many scientists directly or indirectly participated in making checklists o f birds o f this part o f the Kola Peninsula. Among them we should m ention a member o f St. Petersburg Imperial Academy o f Sciences K.E. von Baer who first visit­ ed the Kola Peninsula en route to Novaya Zemlya in 1837. In 1840, he specially visited this area together with A.T. von M iddendorff who was “the first Russian zoologist who described the avifauna o f the present-day Murmansk Region” (Bianchi 1982). Considerable published and unpublished material related to this area was collected by N .N . Kharuzin who travelled along the Pasvik river together with his sister V.N. Kharuzina. t .D. Pleske summarised the results of preced- He was actively assisted in data collec- 'n8 studies and made a detailed review of avi­ fauna of the Kola Peninsula, the Pasvik Valley tion by an expert in local studies Rev. including. Konstantin Schekoldin, senior priest of St. Boris and St. Gleb church. The results o f N .N . Kharuzin’s studies were sum ­ marised in his extensive publication 'The Saami in Russia” (1890). In his monograph, the author gives an extract from the census o f Alay Mikhalkov which lists all the trades o f the Kola Peninsula. N .N . Kharuzin also used the data o f Scandinavian authors and cited the materials from the statistical review by N. Dergachev “ Russian Lapland” (1877). In the book “Saami in Russia” , like in many o ther publications, mention of birds is made among heterogeneous materials. Bird data are scarce, no list o f birds is given by the author. At the same time, due to the efforts o f many 19th century researchers that studied the bird fauna o f northwestern Kola Peninsula, the data nec­ essary to summarise the materials on the birds o f this area were collected. In 1887, Theodor Pleske published in St. Petersburg a book under the title “Critical review o f mammals and birds o f the Kola Peninsula” . T. Pleske was a researcher at the Zoological Museum and later its director, a professional zoologist and a very scrupulous person. He visited the Kola Peninsula in 1880 as a member of an expedition o f St. Petersburg Society o f Naturalists. The expedition crossed Russian Lapland from Kandalaksha to Kola. Then the participants returned to 33