The birds of Pasvik / E. I. Khlebosolov, O. A. Makarova, O. A. Khlebosolova [et al. ; English transl. Nikita Chernetsov]. - Ryazan : Golosgubernii, 2007. - 175 с. : ил., портр.
E.I. Khlebosolov Water Pipit occurs on the sea coast in flat rocky areas with low sparse vegeta tion. The Meadow Pipit penetrates into the tundra along the marshes near streams and lakeside depressions. In such places it finds typical tussock m icrohabitats. An im portant condition for the occurrence o f Meadow Pipits is the presence o f low tussocks or hillocks, and patches o f grass or subshrubs, not exceeding 10—15 cm in height, alternated with open areas (Fig. 3.36). Water Pipits breed in the most open habitats, mainly on the sea coast. Habitats o f this species are flat rocky areas with sparse plants o f black crowberry, alpine bear- berry, mountain avens, dwarf willow and other vegetation 1—3 cm high (Fig. 3.36). The Water Pipit habitats differ much from the habitats o f the other two pipits, so that these species are spatially separated. On the contrary, habitats optim al for the R ed-throated and Meadow Pipits are often adjacent to or broadly overlap. Meadow Pipits arrive in spring earlier than R ed-throated Pipits and are the first to occupy the breeding territories that may include the habitats o f Red-throated Pipits. Arriving birds o f the latter species are first aggressive towards Meadow Pipits 158
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