The birds of Pasvik / E. I. Khlebosolov, O. A. Makarova, O. A. Khlebosolova [et al. ; English transl. Nikita Chernetsov]. - Ryazan : Golosgubernii, 2007. - 175 с. : ил., портр.

Open patches o f moss and lichen ground cover are the optimal Redwing habitat. aging, move on the ground by short series o f hops and stop for looking around and picking the prey. A typical feature of Song Thrush foraging behaviour is that during feeding, it turns the leaves over, takes food from underneath or pick it form the ground surface and from herbs (Fig. 3.24, Baranovsky et al., in press). Thrushes significantly differ from many other forest-dwelling passerines by foraging mainly on the ground and taking the food from the upper layers or from the surface o f the ground. Within-group differ­ ence concerns foraging behaviour and use of differ­ ent microhabitats characterised by a certain struc­ ture o f soil and ground layer. As species-specific microhabitats occur in forests o f different types, thrushes occur in specific biotopes and in most typ­ ical habitats are separated spatially. 143 I. V Zatsarinny