The birds of Pasvik / E. I. Khlebosolov, O. A. Makarova, O. A. Khlebosolova [et al. ; English transl. Nikita Chernetsov]. - Ryazan : Golosgubernii, 2007. - 175 с. : ил., портр.
Parus cinctus 0,10 0,09 n ' F / N (S)= 138 (2820) Parus montanus N(S) = 49 (1980) Parus major N(S) = 32 (1905) Figure 3.20. Succession and frequency o f foraging manoeuvres used by the three tit species: P —pick; E —extracting; F — flight; H —hop; HgH —hanging from below; Hg6 —hanging from the side; S —searching for prey. N (S) is the number o f successions, in parenthesis, the overall observation time (s). Numbers show the frequency o f foraging manoeuvres after the preceding ones, arrows show the direction o f hops and flights. 139
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