Макарова, О. А. Фенологический атлас растений / Н. В. Поликарпова, О. А. Макарова ; М-во природ. ресурсов и экологии Рос. Федерации, Федер. гос. бюджет. учреждение «Гос. природ. заповедник «Пасвик» ; [худож.: Хохлов В. А. ; пер.: Кислова О. С.]. - Рязань : Голос губернии, 2016. – 235 с. : цв. ил., карты, табл.
202 A phenological atlas of plants 5. 6. End of vegetative development Beginning of leaf (needle) coloration 12. Leaves begin to change color — 13. Peak leaf coloration (coloration of more than 50% of leaves) Full autumn coloration of leaves (needles) — Beginning of leaf (needle) fall K . Beginning of leaf fall Peak leaf (needle) fall 15. Peak leaf fall (>50%) End of leaf (needle) fall 16. Total die-back to the ground (in herbaceous plants) Dormancy True (organic) dormancy — Enforced dormancy — * Note: — the phase was not monitored within the project “Seasonal life of nature in the Kola North" (2001) or no match for it exists in Solovyov's phase list (2005a). Since the number of phenophases within each stage varies, we decided to select several most conspicuous and distinct ones to suit our practical purposes. Mind that the same phase would look different in plants of different habits (tree, shrub or herbaceous). Other researchers, although sharing the division of the growing sea son into the vegetative and the generative (reproductive) cycles, have suggested other definitions for phenophases in plants (Terentjeva, 2008). We provide this extra information for in-depth phenological monitoring.
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