Макарова, О. А. Фенологический атлас растений / Н. В. Поликарпова, О. А. Макарова ; М-во природ. ресурсов и экологии Рос. Федерации, Федер. гос. бюджет. учреждение «Гос. природ. заповедник «Пасвик» ; [худож.: Хохлов В. А. ; пер.: Кислова О. С.]. - Рязань : Голос губернии, 2016. – 235 с. : цв. ил., карты, табл.
186 A phenological atlas of plants incessant rain that a visit can be postponed to the following day. This schedule should be pursued for 1-1.5 months. Later on, starting mid or late July to late August, after flowering had ended, when fruits are growing ripe and leaf coloration has begun, pro cesses within plants slow down a little and the route can be visited once in 5 days. From late August to mid or late September the route can be walked once in 7 days, and from late September to early or mid-October once in 10 days (depending on the specific weather conditions of the year). Recording data Documentation on the route includes the field log and special data sheets in tabular form. The field log is for a more experienced observer, but professional datasheets are anyway the best choice since the observer can’t miss anything important with them. One should especially take care to keep the records consistently year after year, which is essential for further data processing and avoiding problems with primary data interpretation. One should therefore be very scrupulous about datasheet format and stick to it all the way without any change. This is the only way to make the collected data valuable, suitable for statistical processing, and inter operable with data from other observers and territories. The calendar date of arrival of an event, phenophase is entered into the table. Records from the datasheet should then be promptly transferred to the computer database. The longer are the data series, the more accurate are the long-term data, and the higher is their scientific value. That is why phenology data from nature reserves, where observations are done consistently in the same sites and along the same routes for decades, matter so much. It is highly desirable to process the observation results - perform the requisite calculations, determine multi-annual average dates, the earliest and the latest dates, deviations, errors, etc., compile the nature’s calendar for the current year and the long-term calendar for the given locality. It makes sense to publish such summaries in both regional reviews (such as environmental yearbooks of specific Russian regions), and in scien
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