Макарова, О. А. Фенологический атлас растений / Н. В. Поликарпова, О. А. Макарова ; М-во природ. ресурсов и экологии Рос. Федерации, Федер. гос. бюджет. учреждение «Гос. природ. заповедник «Пасвик» ; [худож.: Хохлов В. А. ; пер.: Кислова О. С.]. - Рязань : Голос губернии, 2016. – 235 с. : цв. ил., карты, табл.

18А A phenological atlas of plants W m I No specialized tools or gadgets are needed. All you need is discipline and conformance to certain rules. The idea of this atlas is to help you differentiate between plant phenophases. Manuals and scientific papers on this topic are numerous, but what a beginner phenologist wants is the very basics of phenology. The atlas is an easy reference to check whether the phase observed at the moment matches the picture in the book. Once the phase is verified the date should be recorded. For those seeking a deeper insight we have compiled a list of extra readings, which w ill broaden your knowledge and give answers to your questions, including methodology aspects. Choosing the route The guidelines on determination of the events included in the data­ sheets for phenology observations in the European USSR forest zone pub­ lished in 1978 very accurately relay the procedure for choosing the route and provide clear-cut recommendations on sampling (Tavrovskij et al., 1978). Keeping in mind the natural characteristics of our region and the availability of high-precision tools we w ill also give recommendations on choosing the route, since proper siting is important for the value of the observations. The requirements to choosing the route (also called transect) are the following: • the route should run through typ ica l and diverse p lant communities of the given area; • the route should be accessible to observers on a regular basis; • the route should not be too long (2 km at maximum).