Ханс Сконнинг. Первый орнитолог Пасвика : [сборник] / М-во природ. ресурсов и экологии Рос. Федерации, Федер. гос. бюджет. учреждение «Гос. природ. заповед. «Пасвик» ; [сост.: Макарова О. А. и др. ; пер.: Куринский А. С. и др.]. - Рязань : Голос губернии, 2014. - 271 с. : ил., портр., карты, факс.

C om p a rativ e an a ly sis of changes in P a sv ik b ird fa u n a . transformed seriously, and the River Paz totally changed: a system of seven hydropower plants was constructed on the river in the middle of the previous century. As a result, the riverbed has changed, the river flow is regulated, the banks are flooded, and hydropower plants’ dams are built. The dramatic change in the river bed caused changes in hydrology of its tributaries and the adjacent lakes, and the hydrology of the whole basin’s marshlands also changed. The above-described natural and man-caused changes were reflected in a certain way by the composition of bird fauna species in this territory . This is why analysis of the changes tha t have taken place is only possible thanks to Schaanning’s work. That was the first full review of bird fauna and population, specific character of their biology in the River Paz valley early in the XX century. In addition to his personal field observations, the author used publications by his predecessors and contemporaries, as well as verbal reports from other explorers and local people. The reference list is rather short, it includes 18 publications dated 1835 to 1905. The author explains that only reliable information was borrowed from those sources, and, mostly, in respect of rare species th a t he could not find. It emphasizes th a t it was Schaanning who collected bird data in this region, also using certain pub­ lished materials, mostly by Norwegian scientists. Schaanning did not use Russian publications, although by tha t time interesting ornithological a r ti­ cles about Lapland, the Solovetskiye Islands and the north-west corner of Lapland had been published by Goebel (1902, 1904). A part of the materials was collected in the Novaya Zemlya where Hans Schaanning spent a year on Matochkin Shar as a member of Norwegian North Expedition in 1902-1903. One may reasonably wonder how Novaya Zemlya is related to East Finnmark. Most of Schaanning’s observations were made in East Finnmark, but, in parallel, the author added other observations to his publication. This is why several bird species are not relevant for our region. Somewhat less than half of the species described by Schaanning may be conditionally considered as ones regularly found in the River Paz valley. The rest, generally, are not typical of the river valley and are closer related to the seacoast, islands, open tundra, but they might have been seen in this region in certain periods or occasionally. We will have to exclude, at least, some of the Auks family (order of Waders) from the total list of 172 species: Razor-billed Auk, Guillemot, and Little Auk, as well as fulmar, a representative of the Tubates. These species are common on the islands of Novaya Zemlya, but, as during migration they are seen along the coastline and may fly into inland Finnmark, they are specified in the full list. However, only Common Guillemot has been registered in Pasvik. Nowadays this ratio has not changed radically. Today 229 bird species are found in the River Paz valley (Klebosolov et al., 2007), and approximately half of them are also regularly observed in this area, while the others may be seen occasionally during migration or incidentally. The enlargement of 186