Ханс Сконнинг. Первый орнитолог Пасвика : [сборник] / М-во природ. ресурсов и экологии Рос. Федерации, Федер. гос. бюджет. учреждение «Гос. природ. заповед. «Пасвик» ; [сост.: Макарова О. А. и др. ; пер.: Куринский А. С. и др.]. - Рязань : Голос губернии, 2014. - 271 с. : ил., портр., карты, факс.

H.T.L. Schaanning. B ird F au n a of E a st F in nm ark ing for food, and had enough time to lay an egg, and then she was found by the male, pecked to death and thrown out of the nest. The overall length (19 mature individuals) is 366-400 mm. 106. Spotted Redshank / Tringa erythropus (Pall. 1764) / Totanusfuscus (L. 1766) Spotted Redshank is widespread in the upper course of the Pasvik valley. Further north individual couples nest as far as Salmijarvi and Langfjord- vatnet. Spring arrival in Hestefoss and 0v re Pasvik takes place in mid-May, in particular: May 13, 1901, May 21, 1902, May 15, 1904, May 9, 1905, and May 18, 1906. Egg laying begins in the last week of May, in late summers - early in June. The first layings of eggs were found by me on the Norwegian side on June 7,1901, in Hestefoss (they are kept in Oslo University Museum). In 19001found several couples with fledged chicks on July 11 in Hestefoss. In 1901 I found 2 nests with 4 fresh eggs each, on June 7, in Hestefoss. The first egg was laid on June 2 in the both layings. On May 2 6 1shot a female in whose nest I found an egg. On June 20 I found a brood of hatched chicks, and on July 8 - a big but still fluffy chick. In 1904, 4 nests were found on Hestefoss. The earliest eggs appeared on May 24, 27, 30, and 31. In 1906 the earliest eggs were laid in Hestefoss on May 26. Spotted Redshanks nest in large swamps with tussocks and single pines, and also near small waterlogged brooks with tussocks. Usually, a nest with four eggs looks like a hollow in the ground lined with dry pine needles or dwarf birch (Betula папа) leaves. Usually it is located under a pine, close to it or in the proximity of the nearest brook, as a rule at a distance of 30-80 yards. The birds I usually scared away from the nest were always males. They sit tightly on the eggs until one approaches the nest at a distance of 8-10 yards, and then the male make a twangy sound: «tewit» and flies up and does not return for an hour. They are very shy and never sit on the eggs before the enemy withdraws from the nest. Once I watched a female and a male near their nest with hatched chicks, but, as soon as they noticed me, the female left and never returned. The male, by contrast, became very aggressive, violently attacking and flying around. During the mating period nesting couples regularly gather approximately at 11 o’clock in the evening not far from Hestefoss on the muddy banks of small islands downstream from the rapids and return with loud noise to their nesting grounds in the nearest swamps after several hours of search for food. After the spring arrival their mating songs can be heard far away in the swamps: «rivite - rivite - rivite». Chirp - and a loud «tewit»! Mewing take place unevenly. Thus, during the nesting period on June 20 (1901) and July 16 (1905) I shot several males with white speckles on the breast, cheeks and front neck, whereas other birds already had dark feathers by May 15 (1901). 1 8 3