Ханс Сконнинг. Первый орнитолог Пасвика : [сборник] / М-во природ. ресурсов и экологии Рос. Федерации, Федер. гос. бюджет. учреждение «Гос. природ. заповед. «Пасвик» ; [сост.: Макарова О. А. и др. ; пер.: Куринский А. С. и др.]. - Рязань : Голос губернии, 2014. - 271 с. : ил., портр., карты, факс.

H.T.L. Schaanning. B ird F a u n a of E a s t F in nm a rk 71. Eagle Owl / Bubo bubo (L. 1758) / Bubo bubo (L. 1766) Eagle Owls may be found in winter accidentally and individually in the coastal areas where in some years nomadic birds could be shot, besides other locations in Jakobselv and Jarfjorden in winter 1905-1906. In the final essay of the book, he reports the fact of the last Great Auk being shot by a certain Laurits Brodkorb from which Schaanning makes a con­ clusion of this species extinction. This final passage to a certain degree reflects the research methods applied at tha t time when the authentic natural science information was obtained by way of immediate removal of the animal from the environment. 73. Northern Hawk Owl / Surnia ulula (L. 1758) / Surnia funerea (L. 1766) Northern Hawk Owl is more or less common annually during the nesting period in the whole te rrito ry of S 0 r-Varanger both in near-shore birch groves and in pine forests of 0v re Pasvik. The abundance of Northern Hawk Owl, just like of other owls, depends on the food conditions. The largest amount of Northern Hawk Owl was observed in 0v re Pasvik in 1904 - the year rich in lemmings and field mice. In winter 1905-1906 Northern Hawk Owl did not migrate; in the middle of winter several individuals were caught in partridge fowling net in 0v re Pasvik. They entangled in an attempt to attack the partridges th a t had been caught before. A large number of owls are observed annually during the autumn migration in September - October. Northern Hawk Owl usually begins laying eggs in the second half of April, sometimes - in the firs t week of May. The number of eggs depends on the feeding conditions; usually there are 5-6 to 8-10 or even 12 eggs. In 19041 found 3 nests with nestlings across the whole Hestefoss, in particular: May 1 4 - 1 nest with 8 chicks; May 2 1 - 1 nest with 10 chicks aged 3 to l4 days; June 1 7 - 1 nest with 8 fledglings leaving the nest. On June 1, 1906 I found a nest with 12 eggs, three of them were ready to pip, 3 - half-hatched, and 6 - unfertilized or frozen. Owls always make their nests high above the ground, as a rule, at a height of 8-10 meters. The eggs I found were laid in the barks of old, broken, dry pines, or in a Black Woodpecker’s (Dryocopus martius ) cavity. During the nesting period owls fiercely attack intruders approaching their nests. I saw an owl male th a t pecked to death a mature female of Golden Eye (Clangula glau- cion) trying to occupy his nest (May 14, 1904). I had shot the owl female and found fluffy chicks in the nest. On the following day I came to take the chicks and found the dead Golden Eye (Clangula glaucion ) female at the bark of the tree. No doubt, she had penetrated into the nest while the owl male was hun t­ 182