Ханс Сконнинг. Первый орнитолог Пасвика : [сборник] / М-во природ. ресурсов и экологии Рос. Федерации, Федер. гос. бюджет. учреждение «Гос. природ. заповед. «Пасвик» ; [сост.: Макарова О. А. и др. ; пер.: Куринский А. С. и др.]. - Рязань : Голос губернии, 2014. - 271 с. : ил., портр., карты, факс.
H an s S ch a an n in g an d dev e lopm en t of am a te u r o rn ith o lo g y . This book may help a ttract many new like-minded people into the ranks of birdwatchers. The reader can’t help admiring the richness and diversity of bird fauna of our region. The simple and understandable narration, a large amount of thoroughly selected detailed information, however, poetic to some extent, are among the obvious merits of the book, especially important for profession als. This is how the author describes Sedge Warbler: «They choose only damp dense bushy places or small islands with vegetation, or rivers banks, for nest ing. Their singing is extraordinary beautiful like a flow of flute sounds, some times with occasional sharp chirp. These birds are amazingly good at imitating the sounds of the neighbouring birds, such as Bluethroat, Meadow Pipit, Reed Bunting, and Greenshank when they warn their chicks. The latter imitation has fooled me several times» (Schaanning, 1907, p. 21). Besides, the author’s personality itself encourages birdwatching. His rep utation of a scientist who preferred field observation and research while trav eling to academic paperwork always appeals to the visitors of the Russian Pasvik Reserve. The rational attitude to the nature, love of hunting and trav eling, indifference to academic education, and even certain biographical facts make Charles Darwin and Hans Schaanning somewhat alike. Young visitors always notice the noble features of Schaanning’s appear ance in his photos. And the story of love and marriage with a Finnish girl from a simple peasant family adds romanticism to his image. The story about Hans Schaanning, the person who we own the idea to establish a special protected zone here, is an important part of guided tours, seminars, and youth environmental camps in the reserve. In 2008 a cross-border environment-protection te rrito ry was established in the border area of Russia, Finland, and Norway - the Trilateral park “Pasvik-Inari”, where birdwatching has become traditional. Usually, it takes place early in June and is dedicated to World Environment Day. On such days school teachers and students as well as people of all professions perform bird count in different locations of the Trilateral park including the places where Hans Schaanning carried out his observations: in the Upper Pasvik, in Hestefoss, and on Fjaervann. For example, the book mentions Black Redstart: «... I met one specimen of this species typical of South, and, partially, Central Europe, in Rajakoski on May 3, 1902. It was a male in mature colouration, 157 mm in size (kept in Oslo University Museum)» (Schaanning, 1907, p. 16). Birdwatching may seem to be childish and superficial, bu t this hobby is far from being fruitless: the amateur ornithologists help scientists identify the borders of birds’ habitats, report birds numbers and migration. Also, they take care of the environment: plant trees, install birdfeeders, collect garbage in the forest. Data obtained by amateurs are often very useful for profession al ornithologists. Today, birdwatching is becoming a kind of sport in Europe and the US, when people compete, for example, who can spot the most bird species 1 58
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