Ханс Сконнинг. Первый орнитолог Пасвика : [сборник] / М-во природ. ресурсов и экологии Рос. Федерации, Федер. гос. бюджет. учреждение «Гос. природ. заповед. «Пасвик» ; [сост.: Макарова О. А. и др. ; пер.: Куринский А. С. и др.]. - Рязань : Голос губернии, 2014. - 271 с. : ил., портр., карты, факс.

H ans Schaann ing and b ird fa u n a re se a rch in th e P asv ik valley The draft of the house made by H. Schaanning. TheSchaanningarchive, privately owned. X - \ M - j !> ^ £ ЮИ ------- л у r^ y v w p n rv jfJV’v tk^JL Interior plan of house made by H. Schaanning. TheSchaanningarchive, privately owned. River. Some came to find a long-eared owl’s nest, some just to hunt, but every­ body contributed to accumulating knowledge about the Pasvik River valley. The recently published Norwegian bird-ringing atlas (Norsk ringmerking- atlas, 2003, 2006) says tha t the ringing method was developed by Mortensen in Denmark. It became popular very soon, and Hans Schaanning ringed his first birds in Norway as early as in 1914. In the first year, he ringed several house martins, snowbirds, ducks and woodcocks. Later, Schaanning worked in Stavanger Museum of natural history (1918-1948). In 1937 in Jseren, Rogaland County, he founded a bird-watch­ ing station Revtangen. By the end of XX century a network of ringing sta- 153