Ханс Сконнинг. Первый орнитолог Пасвика : [сборник] / М-во природ. ресурсов и экологии Рос. Федерации, Федер. гос. бюджет. учреждение «Гос. природ. заповед. «Пасвик» ; [сост.: Макарова О. А. и др. ; пер.: Куринский А. С. и др.]. - Рязань : Голос губернии, 2014. - 271 с. : ил., портр., карты, факс.

H ans S ch aann ing and b ird fa u n a re se a rch in th e P asv ik valley bird list. Over the latest one hundred years it has increased by more than 50 species and now includes 229 species. This is a dramatic increase of the bird list for the northern circumpolar territories. Understandably, the Pasvik River valley is becoming more and more attractive for specialists from vari­ ous countries. And to a large extent this happened thanks to the first ornithol­ ogist of Pasvik - Hans Thomas Lange Schaanning. The name of Schaanning stands alone among the researchers who worked in the northern regions. He was a passionate person striving to live in the nat­ ural environment and study it in the process of practical work. Hans Thomas Lange Schaanning was born on the 2nd of March, 1878 in Kristiania, as Oslo was called at that time, in the family of engineer Peder Schaanning (1843-1898) and his wife, Agnes Elene Salvesen (1848-1934). Hans had all chances to receive good education and make a career (Wikan, 1991). Still as a school student, he wrote a study of bird fauna in Norway. The famous Norwegian scientist Robert Collett distinguished his work among other contestants. In 1899 Schaanning joined the university in Kristiania, but he was not really involved in student life, and even scientific studies under Collett’s mentorship apparently were not very attractive to him. Hans Schaanning liked the idea to live as a free hunter and study the wildlife as a zoologist. He met a like-minded person, Johan Koren, and late in the autumn 1900 they arrived in Finnmark (Wikan, 1991). There they met the local doctor A.B. Wessel and his wife Ellisif, a journalist. Andreas Bredal Wessel was a great connoisseur of wildlife and a remarkable collector. Per­ forming his official duties he had to travel in the vicinity of Kirkenes, visited Saami families, helped the border area residents and his wife took pictures. Presently, this photo archive is kept in Sor-Varanger museum and presents a significant historic value. On the 14th of October, 1900 Wessel showed his guests collections of bu t­ terflies and bird eggs (Wikan, 2000). Apparently, their discussion was very fruitful, the young people received some good advice, and, possibly, even an order for certain species. Later, Wessel regularly bought bird eggs for his col­ lection from Schaanning. Hans made another important acquaintance there - with the Swedish baron Lilliestierna. He was an ardent hunter, collector, and constantly trav ­ eled around the Kola land. Their interests coincided and for some time they made hunting raids in different areas of the border region. Soon Schaanning and Koren settled in a small house on Varlam Island on the Russian side of the Pasvik River. The hu t where the Norwegian zoolo­ gists lived was built by the local Finn Nils Rautiola for accommodation of vis­ itors, mostly, the officials responsible for order maintenance in the border area. Nils (Niilan) had a big family living in a cramped house nearby, and worked hard to feed his family. The young people were full of energy and spent all their time out hunting. They hunted for birds and animals, made 14 9