Ханс Сконнинг. Первый орнитолог Пасвика : [сборник] / М-во природ. ресурсов и экологии Рос. Федерации, Федер. гос. бюджет. учреждение «Гос. природ. заповед. «Пасвик» ; [сост.: Макарова О. А. и др. ; пер.: Куринский А. С. и др.]. - Рязань : Голос губернии, 2014. - 271 с. : ил., портр., карты, факс.
P re fa c e common Russian-Norwegian compatriot tha t, despite the foreseeable transla tion difficulties we dared to attempt publishing Schaanning’s book for the first time in a Russian translation and an English paraphrase. Beginning the translation we clearly realized the whole complexity of this work. One of the difficulties is the Old Norwegian language in which Schaanning wrote his book. The tex t contains numerous obsolete words. In addition to the linguis tic skills, the translators working with the original had to obtain certain ornithological knowledge. The tran sla tion agency Smart-Link from Murmansk (managed by L.N. Galchenko) took up th is challenging task. Of course, we rendered the feasible assistance to our tran sla to rs Andrey Kurinsky and Elena Trofimova consulting them and providing them a multi lingual glossary of bird species (Makarova, Wikan, 1996). Later, to make the Russian tex t easier to understand, we abridged the translation with the help of ornithological specialists. And only afte r th a t we decided to make an English paraphrase. Despite all the challenges we still hope th a t the transla tion, in general, gives the righ t idea of significance of Hans Schaanning’s work both for science development and nature conservation. We worked with the th ird reprint of Schaanning’s book (published on September 10, 2010, www.amazon.com) issued by the American publishing house Kessinger Publishing LLC (www.kessinger.net) in the Series Kessinger Legasy Reprints as a ra re h isto rical book, p a rt of cu ltu ra l heritage ( h ttp ://www .icg testing .com ) . This company had republished Hans Schaanning’s book before: the Norwegian version was issued as an antique book 18.04.2010. Somewhat later, 16.11.2011, another publishing house Nabu Press issued a Danish version of the book. Thus, in one hundred years’ time the importance of access to the original is finally understood. Now Schaanning’s book is issued in Russian and English with comments and analy sis. This makes it available practically worldwide and emphasizes the ever growing value of the first researchers’ investigation of natural science. Hans Schaanning used the data of his expeditions to the areas rather remote from the River Paz valley, for example, the Novaya Zemplya Archipelago where he spent a whole year, and the Varanger Fjord area, West Finnmark, and even South Norway. We decided to retain these data but the analysis of changes tha t have taken place is mostly related to the information collected by Schaanning in Pasvik, particularly. We aimed to retain the original tex t, bu t had to make certain changes. For example, the Russian essays contain the modern geographic names with Russian transliteration, whereas the English version uses the modern names in the original language. This was done to make the tex t easier to read, so th a t the specific bird locations should be easier to identify considering the names used nowadays. Many of the original toponyms used by Schaanning are no longer in use today and they are presented in the special comparison table (Annex 4) with a short description of each name. 1 4 0
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