Заповедники Мурманской области = The zapovedniks of the Murmansk province / [ред.: О. А. Макарова ; Мурм. обл. экол. фонд]. – Мурманск : [б. и.], 2001. - [14] с.: фот., карта.

State Natural Reserve "Pasvik" was created in 1992 for preservation and study o f virgin pine forests at the northern limit o f their geographical range and for running o f complex ecological monitoring o f northern ecosystems. It is 14,700 hectares in size. The Nature Reseive "Pasvik" has appeared due to joint work of Russian and Norwegian sciences and nature protection experts. The N o rw eg ia n N atu re R eservat "Pasvik" of 1,900 hectares in size was created in 1993 The third part of common Nature Reserve is water area o f Paz river. The Nature Reserve is extended along the Paz river from the Khevaskossky hydro­ electric power station down to the Salmiyarvy lake. Inthesouthempart of the Reserve there is one o f the bird richest area - Fyarvann. Coordinates of the Nature Reserve are 69 07’ - 69 25' N and 29 17' - 29 17' O. On the teiritory of the Reserve 327 species o f vascular plants, more than 30 species of mammals and more than 200 species of buds were found by this time. Fauna o f waterfow l birds is especially rich here. Goldeneye (B ticepM a clcoigulw and Smew (Mergus albeUus) are model species for ecological monitoring. The Nature Reserve has common w i t h N o r w e g i a n R e s e r v a t populations of Moos and Bear. The cultural traditions o f the border area have long and interesting history. Глухарь (Теbrio urogdhts) один го наиболее распространенных видов тетервнных птиц. Одна го задач заповедника - охрана и изучение коренных сосновых лесов, которые находятся здесь на северном пределе своего распространения. Ястребиная сова (Stirnia ultifoi типичный обитатель северных таежных лесов Заповедники Мурманской области 184404 Murmansk province, Petsengsky region, Rayakoski village Ph. (815 -S4)-2-13-65 Fax (810-47)-94-777-356 E-mail: paszap@start.no S T A T E N A T U R A L RES ERVE " P A S V I K " Вороника (Enpemtin hermaplvodrntni)