Airborne contamination by heavy metals and aluminum in the freshwater ecosystems of the Kola subarctic region (Russia) / Moiseenko T. I., Kudryavtseva L. P., Rodyushkin I. V. [et al.] // The Science of the Total Environment. - 1995. - Т. 160/161. - С. 715-727.

T.l. Moiseenko et a l /S c i. Total Environ. 160/161 (1995) 715-727 719 Table 3 Heavy metal and aluminum concentrations in waters ( ju.g/1) and surface <0—1 cm) sediments ( jag/g dry wt.) of lakes of different subregions of the Kola North. Russia Element Subregion 1 < 30 km from Pechenganikel Subregion 2 < 30 km from Severonikel Subregion 3 30-100 km from smelters Subregion 4 > 100 km from smelters Median Range Median Range Median Range Median Range Waters Ni 18 10-145 22 6-70 2.2 1-47 1.0 1-8 Cu 5 1-117 6 4-34 1.5 1-32 1.5 1-29 Zn 11 4-23 7 5-16 4.0 1-9 5.0 1-15 Al 14 1-444 29 1-190 20 1-339 28 0-313 Sr 31 10-30 15 9-38 2.0 1-3 7.0 5 -9 Mn 11 5-37 13 5-44 8.0 1-21 6.0 1-33 Co <0.5 0.5-1.1 <0.6 < 0.5-0.8 <0.5 — <0.5 — Cd <0.1 0.1-0.4 <0.1 < 0.1-0.2 <0.1 - <0.1 — Pb <0.5 < 0.5-0.7 <0.5 < 0.5-0.9 <0.5 — <0.5 — Cr <0.5 < 0.5-2.7 <0.5 < 0.5-1.8 <0.5 — <0.5 — Sediments Ni 940 28-7206 2832 38-25 790 55 7-280 27 2-63 Cu 627 9-6495 595 28-3779 88 5-250 23 3-72 Zn 136 45-439 195 97-374 206 17-1327 74 18-195 At 14376 4113-49500 45440 14200-69789 22376 13877-32000 12586 1804-29200 Sr 25 <3-134 179 96-258 115 < 2-476 16 <2-100 Mn 5191 87-47900 1753 300-4524 11388 198-76420 773 15-11490 Co 54 3-165 41 6-98 27 11-52 9 1-34 Cd 1.21 0.20-3.84 1.44 0.40-2.50 0.57 0.10-5.38 1.24 0.11-4.24 Pb 25 9-49 32 8-62 39 <1-176 16.0 < 3 -49 Cr — — — — 66 8-180 — — Hg a 0.245 0.005-0.510 — — 0.124 0.005-0.270 0.009 — a Hg concentration in take sediments of subregion 4 is based on one sample. (Dauvaiter, 1992). The highest exceedance of background characteristics is typical for the terri­ tories around the copper and nickel smelters, where the pollution factor <C f ) can exceed 100 units for Ni, 50 units for Cu, 2.5 units for Cd, 2.9 units for Pb, 4 units for Hg, and so forth (Table 1; Fig. 2). At the same time, sediment pollution appears to cover distinct local areas, up to 30 km around the metallurgy enterprises. In the remote eastern subregions (4), background values for heavy metals remain invariable (Table 1). 3.3. Metal speciation dynamics during periods o f river flooding Specific features of the effects of airborne con­ taminants on arctic and subarctic freshwater ecosystems include: (1) long-term accumulation of metals in the snow cover during the polar night (6-7 months) and (2) powerful mass flow of pol­ luted water during the brief period of snow melt. Along with airborne metals in precipitation, acidic snow water can favor the release of metals from soils, sediments, and suspensions and cause the redistribution of concentrations among different physico-chemical element speciations. Table 2 shows the ranges of change in metal concentrations in water and gives coefficient val­ ues for every speciation. Coefficient Y has been determined as the ratio of the element concentra­ tions in a given physico-chemical speciation in a period of lowest water pH values to the average concentration after a flood period. (C x ) lowwater (C x ) flood max The coefficient Y allows us to estimate metal