Airborne contamination by heavy metals and aluminum in the freshwater ecosystems of the Kola subarctic region (Russia) / Moiseenko T. I., Kudryavtseva L. P., Rodyushkin I. V. [et al.] // The Science of the Total Environment. - 1995. - Т. 160/161. - С. 715-727.

Г.I, Moiseenko et al. /Sci. Total Environ. 160/161 (1905) 715-727 726 4. Conclusion Pollution of lakes of the Kola North by heavy metals and aluminum is caused by emissions from local smelters. Contaminants enter the surface waters as a result of direct precipitation to the watershed, as well as through washout from soils affected by acidic precipitation and weathering. The most common element in mass effluent for a given region is Ni. Its zone of highest concentra­ tion is limited to 30-km a reas around copper-nickel smelters; however, an increase over background levels is apparent over one-third o f the territory. Distinct areas of pollution are typi­ cal of copper as well. Other elements (e.g, Mn, Sr, Zn) often occur in high concentrations in pol­ luted zones and in acidified water bodies. Pollu­ tion of the lakes by Cd, Co, Hg, and Pb in local zones within 30 km of the smelters has also been established. A1 pollution is found in а 100-km zone around aluminum production smelters. However, our investigations have led us to con­ clude that the zone of A1 pollution is spreading as a result of watershed acidification from acidic fallout. During spring flooding, a sharp decrease in water pH occurs, with redistribution of the ele­ ment speciations towards an increase in the more toxic ones. This phenomenon is typical for Al, Mn, Ni, Cu, and Zn, which sharply increase in toxicity in connection with acidic episodes. Accu­ mulation of Ni, Cu, Sr, Co and Al occurs in the organs of fish, depending on the concentration of these elements in the water. Ni, Cu, Al, and Co accumulate primarily in kidney, liver, and gill tissues, and Sr accumulates in bone tissues. Based on the relationships between metal con­ centrations in water, their accumulation in fish, and the occurrence of specific pathologies in fish, we determined critical levels for biota of 20 jttg/1 Ni and 8 fig / l Cu in the water. These values are typical for lakes with high buffering capacity (ANC > 200 pequiv./l). In acidified lakes (ANC < 0 juequiv./l), these values are expected to be lower. Acknowledgements The authors extend their gratitude to Merete Johannessen and Tor Traaen (Norwegian Insti­ tute for Water Research) and Kari Kinnunen (Water and Environment District of Lapland, Fin­ land) for their stimulating support and consulta­ tions in the course of implementing this work. The authors are also grateful to the research staff of the Laboratory of Water Ecosystems, the Insti­ tute of North Ecology Problems, who took part in water sampling and data processing. The authors particularly thank the reviewers of the work, whose notes allowed the authors to improve the paper. References Buckley, D.E. and R.E. Cranston, 1971. Atomic absorption analyses of eighteen elements from a single decomposition of aluminosilicate. Chem. Geol., 7: 273-284. Campbell, P.G.C. and P.M. Stokes, 1985. Acidification and toxicity of metals to aquatic biota. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 42: 2034-2049. Ctoronovski, I., Shablovski, 1., Zabarilov, A., Samchenko, Z. and Demchenko, B. 1988. Speciation of Mn in surface waters and methods of its removal. Water Chem. Techno!., 10: 358-360 (in Russian). Dauvalter, V., 1992. Concentration of heavy metals in super­ ficial lake sediments of the Pechenga district, Murmansk Region, Russia. Vatten, 2.92, Sweden, pp. 141-145. Driscoll, C.T., J.P. Baker, J.J, Bisogni and C.L. Schofield, 1984. Aluminum speciation and equilibria in dilute acidic surface water of the Adirondack region of New York. In: O.P. Bricker (Ed.), Geological Aspects of Acid Deposition, But- terworth, Guildford, UK, pp. 55-75. Hakanson, L., 1980. An ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control — a sedimentological approach. Water Res., 14: 975-1001. Hakanson, L., 1984, Metal in fish and sediments from the River Kolbaksan water system, Sweden. Arch, Hydrobiol., 101: 373-400. Kaiser, K.L.E., 1980. Correlation and prediction of metal toxicity to aquatic biota. Can. J, Fish. Aquat. Sci,, 37: 211-238. Keller, W. and I.R. Pitblado, 1986. Water quality changes in Sudbury area lakes: a comparison of synoptic surveys in 1974-1976 and 1981-1983. Water Air Soil Pollut., 29: 285-296. King, S.O., C.E. Mach and P.L. Brezooik, 1992. Changes in trace metal concentrations in lake water and biota during experimental acidification of Little Rock Lake, Wisconsin, USA. Environ, Poilut., 78: 9 - IS. Kovalsky, V.V., 1974. Geochemical Ecology. Science, Moscow, 269 pp, (in Russian). Langeland, A. (Ed.), 1993. Pollution Impact on Freshwater Communities in the Border Region between Russia and