Ковалевский, В. П. Искрящейся мысли теченье... : стихи, переводы. - Апатиты : КНЦ РАН, 1998. - 208 с. : ил., портр.

THE EVENING GUN T.Moore Remember'st thouthat setting sun, The last I sawwith thee, When loudwe heard the eveninggun Peal o'er the twilight sea? Boom!-the sounds appeared tosweep Far o'er theverge of day, Till, into realms beyond the deep, They seemed todie away. Oft, whenthe toils of day are done, Inpensivedreams ofthee, I sit tohear that eveninggun, Peal o'er the stormy sea. Boom!-and while, o'er billows curled, The distant sounds decay, I we pand wish, fromthis rough world Like themtodie away. 148