Ковалевский, В. П. Искрящейся мысли теченье... : стихи, переводы. - Апатиты : КНЦ РАН, 1998. - 208 с. : ил., портр.
We've be nseparated by borders, Skin colourand beliefs; But mercy is The basis of unity. Our symbol is the Lion, & so on. We believethat hostility,poverty, andsufferings Sometimes becomethingsofthe past, And mankindwill be saved By love and compassion. Our symbol is the Lion, & soon. K.Lee Bates AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL О beautiful for spacious skies, Foramber waves of grain, Forpurple mountainmajesties Above the fruitedplain. America! America! Godshed his graceonthe, And crown thy god with brotherhood Fromsea toshining sea! 117
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