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economy at the expense of its other parts may give a positive result only at the initial stage. But even in this relatively short period of time, the achievement of specific aims in the development of these isolated branches of the national economy required greater efforts (of the financial, material, and social character) not adequate to the results obtained. If we follow this way, we shall only aggravate the economic situation. And if we take the well-known advice “First become engaged and then see,” positive results of such a solution of pressing problems for the economy will be much lower than the detriment, which will be first of all manifested in the retardation (and, sometimes, in a drastic lowering) of the rate of economic growth. A sharp decrease in the number of administrative personnel in the framework of such a policy led to considerable difficulties in functioning of the economic mechanism that had been formed. It is impossible to consider the solution of this problem without the reorganization of the structure of the economic mechanism and the perfection of its activity. We must only speak of a harmonic, economically, and organizationally interrelated process of development of all branches of the national economy. And the administrative link plays not the least part in this work. Consequently, we must not speak of the liquidation of a managing link but define the optimal number of its personnel, ensure the improvement of qualification and the level of the economic competence of administrators. Moreover, if we analyze the arrangement of these 18 million managers in the administration links, we shall find that the majority of them are concentrated in the main link of the production, in associations, enterprises and organizations, i.e., in the links where a decrease in the number of administrators is carried out with less success and with greater difficulties. A direct reduction of the administration apparatus and the number of its links will not give a prolonged national economic effect, if it is not supported by the alteration and strict division of administrative functions between separate links of the organizational structure of industry. The adminstrative functions must be economic in character, i.e., all the administrative links must be responsible economically and legislatively for the decisions they make. The rights must always generate the corresponding duties. Otherwise, every campaign pursuing the aims of reduction in the number of administrative personnel will be a short-term measure. And we have lived through a large amount of campaigns of this kind. Speaking of links in the management of the national economy, we must point out that in the final analysis this is not the main thing in the whole conception of the reorganization of the structure of management. When we have really achieved economic relations between the higher and the lower link of the economic structure of industry, of the national economy, supported by the requisite financial, legislative and organizational principles, the number of links in the administration does not play a very essential part since the economic structure itself, based on the principles of a complete cost accounting, will not admit of the existence of superfluous structures (links) of administration that are in the way of the development of the productive forces. The structure of administration must provide for the development of productive forces, of all links of the national economy, including every separate enterprise (association, organization), and will not be a rigid structure established once and for all. In 5 7