Korelsky, V. F. Fish, fishermen and fish industry in Russia / V. F. Korelsky. - Bremen : Krebs, [1993?]-.

The efficient use of the fishing fleet of various associations, the development of fisheries in the economic zpne of the former USSR and foreign states, and especially of the ocean fishing in distant parts of the World Ocean, proved the necessity of centralized management of the fleet, and this is only possible under the conditions of preservation of the basin principle of management. These and other problems connected with the perfection of the activity and management of the main industrial subdivisions of the industry, such as associations, enterprises and organizations, which were constituent parts of the all-Union fish industrial associations, required strengthening and a further development of the principle of management at the level of basins rather than its liquidation and the replacement by other organizational structures concerned with separate trends of economic and scientific activity. It was also clear that it was time to drastically decrease the number of operations carried out by the Ministry and the basin organs of management of fisheries in order to give more economic independence to the subdivisions of the main administration. Unfortunately, this was not done in time. The transition of industry to a two-link structure of management and the liquidation of the all- Union fish industry associations as well as the measures taken to strengthen and develop the economic principles of management provoked the appearance of new economic formations such as the Basin Industry Associations (BIA) which had to become single economic and research complexes capable of carrying out independently the tasks put before them. The BIA included all territorial associations of the fish industry and other subdivisions of the liquidated all-Union fish industry associations as well as the research institutes of the oceanography and sea fishing economy, practically all associations and enterprises of the liquidated All-Union industry association “Remrybflot”, the majority of the filials and departments of the research and design organizations subjected to the fish industry administration which served as the basis for the establishment of the research and design organizations in the basins located in the zone of their activity. At the same time, the structure of the territorial industrial associations of the fish industry practically did not change, including, as before, independent enterprises as well as structural (industrial) units. It was evident, however, that the rights and functions of the structural units had to be reconsidered in order to essentially extend them and tie them up with the provisions of the “Law of the USSR Concerning State Enterprises (Associations).” The transition of the enterprises of the fish industry to complete cost accounting required that the structural units were provided not only with current accounts but also with settlement accounts, and this not only allowed them to solve many financial and credit problems but also accelerate essentially the solution of economic problems facing them. We cannot speak of a complete cost accounting for an enterprise or a structural unit entering into the association and, at the same time, leave the solution of all financial problems to the head administration (leading structural unit), if we take into account the distant locations of the enterprises of the fish industry, the absence of reliable transport and communication means, since the availability of only current accounts and separate subaccounts in the hands of a structural unit did not allow it to solve problems facing it in due time and in full measure. 4 4