Korelsky, V. F. Fish, fishermen and fish industry in Russia / V. F. Korelsky. - Bremen : Krebs, [1993?]-.

The proposition we have considered removes the “problems” raised in the fish industry collectives as to entering into an association, or not. Even if it enters into an association, the enterprise must collaborate on the cost accounting principles with its partners. Economics remains economics. The formation of various new structures in the main economic section is essentially complicated by the lag in the reorganization of management system, resistance becomes 10 be felt at all levels of the control system, the base systems inclusive. It must be emphasized that thoi.e who put up resistance are not an abstract mass of administrators-bureaucrats, it is an objectively existing category whose nature can be explained by the theory of management The resistance can be managed by scientific means, and this frees us from the necessity of fighting “by force of power” against the carriers of its interests. It is groups of people or individuals for whom, for some reason or other (the loss of power or of the prestige of position, the loss of workplace, privileges, the lowering of wages, a sincere non­ understanding of innovations) the future changes are not desirable. The success of innovations will largely depend on the competency of the higher personnel as for the introduction of necessary changes, i.e., the ability of working out a strategy, of motivating the sequence of changes, of revealing the nature of carriers of resistance and skillfully neutralizing them (without breaking them down), and of carrying out a “change” of management systems in the shortest time possible. If we try to inculcate a new strategy of management (even well motivated) into the old system, objectively, because of the temporal difficulties, the resistance to the introduction of a new one will increase and gradually eliminate the results of the reorganization. Only a new system is able of ensuring, in the shortest time possible, the carrying out of the strategy of the reforms approved at all levels. The main criterion of the choice of a system of management is the achievement of the highest labor productivity, the efficiency of production, and a high quality of goods. That is why, one of the mam problems of the reorganization of the system of management of the fish industry is the problem of raising the effectiveness of the organizational and economic mechanism itself, and the raising of the quality of the whole system of economic management. Other criteria are the unity and the multichannel use of the raw materials as the basis of the technological process, the single-purposefulness of a production process and a close relationship between the technological links in the system of reconnaissance-catching-processing, the necessity of conjugate servicing and scientific provision of the process of production of the end product, the unity of the economic and social infrastructures, the mutual economic and social interests of different collectives, the external economic activity as a constituent part of the reproduction process. 2.2. Retrospective Analysis of the Development of the System of Management of the Fish Industry 4 1