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structural sections (not independent economically) function. Here, an enterprise is a necessary, direct, and intersected participant of the mechanism of realization of property relations. Economically independent enterprises now have their own special interests related to the interests of other enterprises by means of remuneration of economic relations under the conditions of self-financing and self- repayment Thus, cost accounting is objectively included into the system of economic relations. It is easy to see that in this case the idea of a “final result” is different. Every economically independent section has its own “end product”, which it passes to its partner on a gratis basis. In accordance with Russian legislation, the principal economic section is now an independent commodity producer, a subject of economic management acting according to the principles of complete economic accounting and the development of commodity-and-money relations We support the point of view that it is only actually possible when we solve in deeds and not in words the problem of “separation” of the right to property from the right of owning it, the right of using it. The important theoretical premise of the radical reform of the economic and political system becomes ever more obvious since the forms of economic relations cannot remain fixed forever. They become obsolete with time. The correspondence between the productive forces and the production relations is violated. If the first, as yet weak signals marking the beginning of the process are ignored, the crisis of the control system accelerates primarily. In a few years, the traditional systems of control of the socio-economic processes turn into fetters, which hold back an economic progress and begin to stimulate actively the slipping to the crisis situation in all spheres of life. That is why the reorganization of the production relations, the property relations inclusive, is the load-carrying structure of radical economic reforms.* The first warnings concerning the beginning of the crisis of the administrative system in our country were very weak. Naturally, the administration did not hear them and continued the cosmetic repairs of the old customary mechanism of control. The laudation of this mechanism continued until the crisis of economy occurred. The systems of control of the first industry complex suggested are based on the principles of management of economically independent enterprises (self-sustaining sections) or on the principles of control of structural units. In both cases, the production relations are based on the coordination of the economic and social interests of partners, with the only difference that in the first model the coordination is horizontal and in the second vertical. But this simplicity of distinctions is seeming. The system of control along the vertical has been worked out during the seventy odd years of the Soviet Power. This is the core of the distributive and ordering system, whereas we were never taught how to * Bets, A.Kh„ Where has privatization got lost?, /. Eco., No. 5, 1992. Faltsman, V., The crisis of the Soviet Union and the future of the Russian economy, J. Economic Problems, Nos 4-6, 1992. Shlaifer, A., Vishni, R. “Privatization in Russia: Problems and the first steps", J. Eco., No. 5, 1992. (All the three articles are in Russian) 3 6