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material flows, including the distribution of production resources between branches and regions. This system of management can only be changed by changing the property relations. 6. When the economic ties were simple, the range of products was bounded and their changeability was restricted (before the beginning of the epoch of the scientific and technical progress), the directing system could cope with the problems of efficient management of the national economy, it ensured an increase in the volume of production, labor productivity, etc. 7. With the advent of the epoch of scientific and technical progress and with its development, i.e., with a drastic complication and extension of the assortment of products and the necessity of its dynamic renovation so that it would correspond to the world level, the economic relationships became more complicated and the system of directive management ceased to cope with the problems of management of the national economy. Only one of the elements of this system that we consider by way of example, that of the material and technical supply, shows that in order to obtain materials necessary for the output of new production, it was necessary to get the approval of technical documentation in the corresponding ministries, to work out the norms of materials consumption (and approve them), to form orders for materials which were then generalized by the State Supply Committee and the State Planning Committee in accordance with the fixed assortment, to attach definite suppliers to consumers and to supply the latter with necessary information. All this detained the development of new specimens for one or two years. 8. The directive management failed to take a complete account of such an important element of the efficiency of production as a personal interest in the results of labor, a full use by every subject (from a worker to the director) of his intellectual potential. With the development of production and the rise of its dynamics, the incomplete use of this factor became more and more pronounced. 9. At the same time, the centralized financing forced the work collectives to seek convincing reasons for its increase even when there was no economic necessity for it. 10. The development of these negative processes (which are not all enumerated here) caused a contradiction between the simple and the sufficiently convincing scheme of directive management and the demand of the society for a rise in living standards. The reorganization of economic processes became an urgent necessity. 11. The state property constitutes an economic basis of the administrative and commanding system of management, and it is impossible to put an end to the directive management without its radical reconstruction and without changing the property relations in the society. The reorganization of the system of directive management was begun with the inculcation of elements of the market structures into it practically without any changes in the property relations, without provoking an interest of enterprises in increasing their output, under the conditions of reigning of monopolistic structures. Figure 14 shows a model of functioning of an economic system in the transition period. In the scheme the market relations are given in the cases when they present a factor not yet essential for the people’s economy. Essentially, a problem was posed of the transition from the directively managed 1 3 1
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