Korelsky, V. F. Fish, fishermen and fish industry in Russia / V. F. Korelsky. - Bremen : Krebs, [1993?]-.
Meeting of shareholders Council of Directors changes introduced in the charter and in the registered capital, election and recall of the directors and of other members of the board, election and recall of members of the auditing commission, appointment of :he auditor of the company, approval of the annual results of activity, confirmation of wages of the directors of the company and the auditors, confirmation of organizational structure of the company, establishment and liquidation of affiliated and representative agencies. determinig the main trends in the activity of the company, approval of plans and accounts, approval of the results of activity of the branch offices of the company for a year, the order of distribution of profits and compensation for the losses, approval of regulations, procedures and other documents of the company, its organizational structure, determining the wages of officials of the company, its branch offices and agencies, approval of agreements concluded for a sum exceeding one per cent of the total annual profit of the company. 1 2 1
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