Korelsky, V. F. Fish, fishermen and fish industry in Russia / V. F. Korelsky. - Bremen : Krebs, [1993?]-.

The antimonopolistic laws passed at the beginning of the century were directed against the market forms of monopolization, especially against single branch trusts and cartels, which were in the way of free competition. However, in mid-twenties, diversified associations became the most typical form of monopolization of economy. The antitrust laws were powerless to do anything with them. At present this method is one of the specific forms of the state control over the economy, of market relations, of the level and scale of competition with the aim of raising the efficiency of the economy. In Western countries, the control over the processes of such cartelization on the domestic market is much stricter and the attitude to international monopolistic unions is more liberal, and the creation of export cartels is even encouraged. The evolution of the effective forms of concentration and functioning of the capital has led to the formation of holding companies which are shareholding companies possessing the controlling blocks of shares of other companies with the aim of regulating and managing their activities. There are two types of holding companies, “pure” companies which perform only the indicated functions, and “mixed” companies which are occupied with some kind of business. Holding companies are an inalienable link in the “participation” system and are at the head of trusts and concerns. The latter widely use holding companies in their inner organizational structure in order to control and manage the affiliated firms isolated according to geographical, branch, or production criterion. 4.3.2. A Variant of Transformation of “Sevryba” into a Joint-Stock Holding Firm The fish industry of the Northern fish industrial basin put an end to the administrative commanding management of the basin in 1990-91 and formed an association, but in this way attained only one aim that was put before the “Sevryba” association, that of a considerable increase in the profit of the workers which left behind the rates of growth of the output. It stands to reason that the results of the work were influenced by the changes in the organizational and economic situation in the country which brought about a stagnation in fish industry of Russia which was even greater than that in “Sevryba.” It is necessary to form a coordinating center which will perform the following functions of the state and private economic management: establish the mode of exploitation of the fish supplies and quotas in the limited objects in the home and Norwegian 200-mile zones, distribute the volumes of supplies for state needs, grant licenses to enterprises (associations) for the export of production in the limits of the general license (quota) received, form the summary programs and forecasts of the social and economic development of the fish industry in the Northern basin, coordinate this work with the local (central) organs of power and management, coordinate and ensure the financing of the reconnaissance of the supplies of the World Ocean, including those carried out according to the inter-governmental agreements. 1 1 3