Korelsky, V. F. Fish, fishermen and fish industry in Russia / V. F. Korelsky. - Bremen : Krebs, [1993?]-.

The market relations presuppose the formation of relatively isolated but closely interacting markets of goods and services (consumer and investment), of financial resources (including the movement of securities and credits) and of manpower. With the formation of these markets, the classical regularities of market relations begin functioning. A change of demands is in inverse proportion to a change of prices for the production factors and in direct proportion to the dynamics of profits. The prices are established not only in accordance with the manufacturing costs but also in accordance with the ratio of supply and demand. The demand for the production, services and economic factors is limited by the available means of payment A free transfer of the capital and manpower is observed. The welfare of people is the most important criterion of the correct choice of the economic course when the conditions of functioning of market relations are being revealed. Long and deep falls of the welfare of the population are intolerable not only for the considerations of humaneness, but also for economic considerations, since they undermine the stimuli for productive work and lead to the degradation in the economic activity. Consequently, special protective mechanisms are necessary. A system of social measures must protect the population from the depreciation of their individual incomes with the rise of prices of consumer goods, help them in the case of unemployment, ensure a rational employment, fulfill special programs of helping the most unprotected categories of the population. In particular, this system of measures must provide for a compensation for a rise in prices of goods and services to poorly provided, for categories of the population who work in budgetary and self-sustaining oiganizations and enterprises, purpose-oriented payments to poorly provided people, unemployment benefits and aids for conversion training of cadres. When defining the total volume of compensation of not well-to-do categories of the population (large family allowances, aids to students and pensioners, etc.), it is necessary to take as a reference point the lower level of consumption based on the statistics of the family budget of expenditures. According to the official data of 1989, almost 25% of the population of the former USSR daily spent about 78 roubles for purchases, 38 roubles for food-stuffs plus 40 roubles for other goods. This level of payments for goods and services corresponds to the group of people with the per capita average monthly income of about 120 roubles. This sum does not include alcohol, tobacco, transport The energy value of this collection of food-stuffs constitutes 2630 calories a day, and this ensures the normal functioning of the organism. The payment for the living accommodations per person for a year was 28.7 roubles, and the expenses for the transport and communications constituted 18.7 roubles. Thus, when the volume of compensation for the not well-to-do people whose main source of existence is a fixed income is determined, the basic factor that must be taken into account is that the level of consumption must not be lower than that in the basic period. In addition to the compensation for the rise in prices of goods and services, this category of the population may get various purpose- oriented payments connected with a subsidy for the purchase of lodging, for the purchase of goods for children, etc. 9 8