Кольский Оленеостровский могильник, 1925-2013 = Kola Oleneostrovsky cementery, 1925-2013 / Колпаков Е. М., Мурашкин А. И., Хартанович В. И., Шумкин В. Я. ; Институт истории материальной культуры РАН, Кольская археологическая экспедиция [и др.]. - Санкт-Петербург ; Вологда : Древности Севера, 2019. - 479 с. : ил., цв. ил.

19, 1. 7265-12 50+ 19, 2. 7265-13. 55-60 19, 3. 7265-14. 30+ 19, 4. 7265-15. 55-60 rhinion). 19, 5. 7265-16. 19, 6. - Kola Oleneostrovsky cemetery Anthropology Burial 19, skeleton 1. 7265-12 Skull and of woman of 50+ years of age. The bone tissue is very well preserved. The right zygomatic bone and right condyloid process are destroyed. The skull is gracile. Burial 19, skeleton 2. 7265-13. Skull and of man of 55-60 years of age. The bone tissue is very well preserved, but both mandibular and maxillary alveolar ridges display signs of postmortem degradation, particularly clear in the upper molar region. The skull is moderately robust. Burial 19, skeleton 3. 7265-14. Skull and of woman of 30+ years of age. The bones are well preserved with virtually no postmortem damage. The skull is extremely gracile. Burial 19, skeleton 4. 7265-15. Skull and of woman of 55-60 years of age. The bones are well preserved with little postmortem damage (with the exception of nasal bones in the rhinion area). The skull is generally gracile. Burial 19, skeleton 5. 7265-16. Damaged cranial and postcranial bones of child about one year old. Burial 19, skeleton 6. Cranial, mandibular and postcranial bones of fetus (or neonate). Cranial bones are broken, fragmented, destroyed. Postcranial bones are mostly in good condition. 371