Кольский Оленеостровский могильник, 1925-2013 = Kola Oleneostrovsky cementery, 1925-2013 / Колпаков Е. М., Мурашкин А. И., Хартанович В. И., Шумкин В. Я. ; Институт истории материальной культуры РАН, Кольская археологическая экспедиция [и др.]. - Санкт-Петербург ; Вологда : Древности Севера, 2019. - 479 с. : ил., цв. ил.
[ 1930: 183]. 1953]. 1953: 459]. - - 1953: 463], 1948] Kola Oleneostrovsky cemetery Anthropology and careful study, as well as for collecting new materials» 1930: 183]. The monographic description of cranial and postcranial remains the basis of extended research procedures similar to modern ones, as well as their comparison with u number of series of ancient and recent skulls from the territory of Eurasia were done V.P. Yakimov 1953]. studied the materials collected V. Schmidt and N.N. Gurina. V.P. Yakimov noted that the materials he studied were «characterized the presence of number of specific traits suggesting their closeness to representatives of the Mongoloid race» 1953: 459]. According to him, these traits included broad face with high index of protrusion; rather large horizontal facial profile angles; moderately protruding nasal bones. At the same time, Yakimov noted that in terms of other traits such as rather low face (both absolutely and relatively), low relatively wide frontal bone, the crania from either were intermediate between Mongoloids and Europeoid or fell in the Europeoid range of variation. Contrary to S.D. Sinitsyn, V.P. Yakimov stressed that skulls form Bolshoy Oleny differed from those of the Saami 1953: 463] while those of the Nenets, Khanty and Mansi. Taken together, the observed craniological traits make this series morphologically specific, without any exact matches among modern cranial When comparing his materials with ancient craniological series, he noted between the crania from Bolshoy Oleniy and those from the Lugovskoy cemetery of the Ananyino culture. Yakimov cautiously interpreted this as an argument in favor of the hypothe- sis that the Ananyino people had migrated from the Volga basin to the west and northwest. The idea was first proposed Foss 1948] the basis of archaeological data. She stressed, however, that the final solution hinged upon skeletal evi- dence. 355
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