Керт, Г. М. Применение компьютерных технологий в исследовании топонимии (прибалтийско-финская,русская) / Г.М. Керт ; Рос. акад. наук, Карел. науч. центр, Ин-т яз., лит. и истории. - Электрон. дан. (1 файл: 95 МБ). - Петрозаводск : Карел. науч. центр РАН, 2002. - 192 с.
vocabulary. In Karelia, for instance, Balto-Fennic geographical vocabu lary is widely used in Russian subdialects. In accordance with grammatical rules of place name formation, in Finno-Ugric languages non-etymologyzed elements are usually found in the place name determinant. When the determinant of the place name consists of two or more parts, the substrate elements are also found in the determining (adjective) part of the place name. Substrate place names are older and best known landmarks. That is why the attachment of nearby objects to the place is performed on the basis of these ancient place names, forming a kind of place name nests. At present Russian toponymy functions throughout the European North of Russia. In the regions where indigenous of Uralic nations dwell it co-exists with the toponymy of these nations, yielding its positions in microtoponymy. Mastering the original Uralic toponymy starting from the 21 century (and perhaps earlier), which included an unknown substratum, the Russian toponymy in the North has become obviously peculiar. In Karelia, Komi Republic, Murmansk, Archangelsk, Vologda and Leningrad oblast's there is a huge stratum of Uralic place names, adop ted by the Russian language. The assimilation of the previous place names by the Russian language has determined its specific features. The synthesis of grammar types of various systems in the Russian and Balto-Fennic languages as well as lexical peculiarities of these lan guages, have created the distinguishing features of North-Russian toponymy. The description structure of the Russian toponymy also consists of 18 graph-fields. The majority of graph-fields of the Russian toponymy coincide with the corresponding graph-fields of the Balto-Fennic toponymy. It is so, because they reflect the common toponymical uni v e rsa l in the first place, and in the second place, extralinguistic infor mation concerning the objects, named by this toponym, is given in the identical graphs. Information concerning informers and collectors is given in the graphs as well. The classification of the Russian toponymy by A. V. Superanskaya was taken as the basis of toponym structure description. This classifi cation was published in the article «Types and structure of geographical names (based on toponymic materials of the USSR)». Detailed classification of place names structural types, taking into account semantics of their components, is a rather complicated task and on a large scale even impossible. Firstly, the structure of the place name does not correlate with the semantics (in case it can be revealed)
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