Керт, Г. М. Применение компьютерных технологий в исследовании топонимии (прибалтийско-финская,русская) / Г.М. Керт ; Рос. акад. наук, Карел. науч. центр, Ин-т яз., лит. и истории. - Электрон. дан. (1 файл: 95 МБ). - Петрозаводск : Карел. науч. центр РАН, 2002. - 192 с.

130 main function toponyms, as part of the language vocabulary, can absorb considerable strata of the lexicon, which reflect the material and spiritu­ al values of the nation. Toponymy, through an indispensable, but still a specific part of the language vocabulary, due to its peculiarity, unlike appellatives, requires some other approaches in research. Perhaps, no other science has undergone such a striking evolution of opinions about its object, as well as about the very essence of it, like toponymies. The peculiar features of toponymic vocabulary-compared to appellative vocabulary create the illusion of a specific approach to its research. The address function of a toponym and distinguishing an object from the rest of the same class is the most distinct characteristic of the word class in question. Peculiarity of toponyms compared with appellatives, the mystery of their meanings have aspired scientists to discover these very aspects of toponyms. Scientists have paid no attention to the fact, that the toponym is in the first place a word. It took some time to realize a simple fact — that the toponym is in the first place a lexical unit of the language. If so, it must be studied as a linguistic phenomenon. The differences between the appellative and toponymic vocabulary are manifested in semantics, principles of nomination, word-formation models, peculiarities of adaptation, specific features of the key and peripheral zones of the whole area of place names, as well as in struc­ tural-semantic peculiarities and ways of component linking. Appellatives have an inner word form, i. e. they have a meaning. If they have a meaning, they may as well be abstract. The common noun unites a class of similar objects and concepts (ideas). Moreover, it can have several meanings. As far as toponyms are concerned, the inner form of the word, i. e. the meaning, is of little importance. The main function of a toponym is to distinguish, individualize and identify the named objects among oth­ ers. The main function of a proper name is to name, and the main func­ tion of a common noun is to unite. The peculiar features of the toponym and appellative functions have been substantiated by grammatical, linguo-geographical and word- formative differences of common nouns and proper names. It is widely known, that the word class of proper names is growing at the expense of common nouns. What semantic strata of the vocab­ ulary transit to the class of proper names? How do external and inter­ nal linguistic factors influence this transition? In most general terms we can say that the transition of a certain class of appellative vocabulary to the class of proper names depends on many factors. As we know,