Керт, Г. М. Применение компьютерных технологий в исследовании топонимии (прибалтийско-финская,русская) / Г.М. Керт ; Рос. акад. наук, Карел. науч. центр, Ин-т яз., лит. и истории. - Электрон. дан. (1 файл: 95 МБ). - Петрозаводск : Карел. науч. центр РАН, 2002. - 192 с.

129 In this way the key objective of the toponymic science together with state agencies is to create a normalized, canonic and non-contradicto­ ry list of place names being in use, which would be used by state and municipal services, as well as by institutions of communication, trans­ port, mass media etc. Toponyms, being the products of the nations' mentality, reflect all aspects of people's spiritual and material life. Place names, as well as other manifestations of people's spiritual culture, i. e. folklore, rites, incantations and beliefs reflect peculiar national features and mentality. Pagan beliefs and totem ideas of the Sami are imprinted in Sami toponymy. Sami mentality manifests itself in peculiar features of toponymic thinking (vision). For example, fine gradations of landscape specific features, expressed through language, are characteristic of the Sami toponymy. In naming geographical objects motivation is an important indication of peculiar features of the nation's self-awareness. The problem of moti­ vation is the problem of having insight into the psychology of the nomi­ nator, the one who gave the object this or that name. It is also a prob­ lem of the nation's values. Ideal concepts of the nation are strongly and clearly reflected in the contents of toponymy. Toponymy is part of the cultural environment of the nation, it is the nation's attitude to the world. It is also the nation's world concept and construction. Naturally «pure» toponymic zones in terms of the language are non­ existent. In the process of historical development a new toponymic wave covers the previous one, forming historical strata of the toponymy. As a rule, a new wave of names enters the already existing system of toponymy. In this case it is extremely important to what extent the lan­ guage of a new wave differs from the native language. It is due to this very fact, that while being assimilated by an adoptive language, a toponym as a rule does not disappear, but, adjusting to a new language system, functions in a new language environment. The ethnos disappears, the culture fades away, the civilization changes, but the toponym, (its erasing phonetic shell, to be exact), is being modified, but still exists. In solving ethnogenetic problems, an attractive feature of toponymy is the fact that it denotes linguistic identity of the ethnos. The language is the key element of the nation's culture. Archeological monuments, which for the most part characterize the material culture of people, despite its abundance and «materiality» fail to identify yhe ethnos ade­ quately. It is possible, that the elements of one archeological culture can find their counterparts in different ethnoses. In order to perform their