Касиян А. С. «Русская угроза» Норвегии: происхождение, эволюция и интерпретация мифа // Вестник Баренц-Центра МГПУ. - Мурманск, 2008. - Вып. 7. - С. 31–42.

стратегически важное значение для контроля над Балтикой. “Аландским сервитутом” назывался запрет России на милитаризацию Аландских островов (возведение укреплений на архипелаге рассматривалось как прямая военная угроза Стокгольму) по Парижскому миру 1856 г. 33 Norsk utenrikspolitikks historie, bind 1. Bj0rgo N.. 0ystein R., Kaartvedt A. Selvstendighet og union. Fra middelalderen til 1905. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1995. S. 337. Eriksen K.E., Niemi E. Den finske fare. Sikkerhetsproblemer og minoritetspolitikk i nord 1 8 6 0 - 1940. Oslo-Bergen-Troms0,1981. S. 3 6 - 39. * Адам Эгеде-Ниссен (1868 - 1953) - с 1905 г. член норвежской рабочей партии (НРП), с 1923 г. вошёл в состав отделившейся от НРП норвежской коммунистической партии (НКП). 35 Подробнее о деятельности Н.А. Шевелкина см. на сайте: http://ostrov- kildin.narod.ru/Shevelkin.html 36 Danielsen, Е. Norge - Sovjetunionen. Norges utenrikspolitikk overfor Sovjetunionen, 1917 - 1940. Oslo, 1964. S. 37.Futrell, M. Northern underground: episodes of Russian revolutionary transport and communications through Scandinavia and Finland 1863 - 1917. London, 1963. S. 33. 37 АВПРИ. Ф.133. On. 470. 1907. Д.25. Л.З - Зоб. 38 Там же. Л. 58 - 58 об. 39 Бацис П.Э. Русско-норвежские отношения в 1905 - 1917 гг. Дис. на соиск. уч.ст. к.и.н. М., 1973. С. 52. 40 Eriksen К.Е. ”Den russiske fare” Arvefiende eller god nabo? // Pomor. Nord-Norge og Nord Russland gjenn&m tusen &r. Oslo, 1992. S. 52. Summary The main idea of the article is to discuss the phenomenon of the “Russian Threat” as an important factor of the Russian-Norwegian diplomatic relations at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. There are two key aspects of the problem which should be examined: the first is the danger of the Russian encroachment to Northern Norway (Finnmark) to take over the unfrozen harbour and gain the gateway to the Atlantic Ocean (a starting-point of the “Russian Threat” theory); the second aspect is an occupation of Northern Norway by the inhabitants of the Great Finnish Duchy (the so called “Finnish Threat”, considered as a part of the “Russian Threat”). The Norwegian historical literature and the Russian sources reveal that “Russian fear” was generated and actively implanted into the Norwegian public opinion by both British and Swedish military-political circles from the beginning of the 19lh century. Despite the fact that the threat to Northern Norway from the Russian Empire was unfounded and Russia was the first state which officially recognized the independence of Norway in 1905, the fear of the Eastern neighbour existed permanently among common Norwegians and made Norway's “Russian policy” prudent and cautious. 42