Карелин, В. А. "Шведский транзит" и российско-шведский товарооборот во время первой мировой войны / В. А. Карелин // Международные отношения на Севере Европы и Баренц-регион: история и историография = International relations in the European North and the Barents Region: history and historiography : материалы российско-норвежского семинара, Мурманск, 19-20 мая, 2007 / Мурм. гос. пед. ун-т, Ин-т истории ун-та г. Тромсе (Норвегия), Баренц-институт (Киркенес, Норвегия). - Мурманск, 2008. - С. 129-140.

Summary In the article ““Swedish transit” and Russian-Swedish trade in the period of the First World War” Vladimir Karelin pays special attention to the problems of trade relations between Russia and Sweden in the period under consideration. In Sweden, May 1915 was the date of publication of the orders to limit unobstructed export from Sweden and free cargo transportations as import to Russia. Negotiations between Sweden, Russia and England were finished with a compromise agreement. Sweden let out the goods to Russia previously detained (they costed about 4 million crones) in exchange for coal deliveries from England in quantity equal Swedish industry needs. An absolute liability for Russia and the Great Britain was to establish effective control over hit of cargoes from Sweden into the hostile states. With this purpose in November, 1915 allies founded a joint-stock company “Transito” headed by a respected Swedish businessman. Bilaterial trade connections during the pre-war period took a modest place in commodity circulation in Sweden and Russia. However, before the First World War rather indicative tendencies were outlined in commodity circulation o f the two countries. In 1913 for the first time the trade balance moved aside in favour of Sweden. Russian market began absorbing high-quality production of its mechanical engineering. However, that tendency was interfered with diability of Russia to compete on its market with German and Swedish producers. War made conditions for disposal of Russia from the German economic domination and intermediary in the field o f international trade. There was a real chance for strengthening and developing direct mutually advantageous economic relations between Russia and Scandinavian countries. In 1914 by the beginning of operations which broke old trade relations off, many Russian importers paid attention to the Scandinavian market and to Sweden, first of all, as it was the most economically strong country. Counter movement was observed from the Swedish side, too. In 1916 the Swedish-Russian Trade Consortium cooperated with the Swedish Trade Committee in Petrograd, the Swedish Trade Council in Moscow and the General Association of the Swedish exporters there. The network of consulates o f two countries was expanded. But wartime, accompanied by sharp deficiency o f food, fuel and prices rise in markets o f northern neutral countries, caused folding original conditions o f trade with Sweden. In November, 1914 the Swedish government, agreed to cargo transition through the territory o f Russia, and exposed an indispensable condition of necessary Russian products delivery to Sweden. At the very beginning o f the war Swedish authorities, working on a principle o f “a strict neutrality”, officially declared the list o f the goods forbidden for export. However, the legal interdiction of export from this list did not mean its prohibition in practice. It was possible thank to export licenses delivery in conditions o f mutual concessions, preliminary discussed by the sides. The principle of indemnifications was put into basis o f Swedish-Russian trade during 139