Ильичева, М. Б. Гуманитарные проекты Норвегии в Мурманской области (1990-е - 2006 гг.) / М. Б. Ильичева // Международные отношения на Севере Европы и Баренц-регион : история и историография = International relations in the European North and the Barents Region: history and historiography : материалы российско-норвежского семинара, Мурманск, 19-20 мая, 2007 / Мурм. гос. пед. ун-т, Ин-т истории ун-та г. Тромсе (Норвегия), Баренц-институт (Киркенес, Норвегия). – Мурманск, 2008. – С. 198-204. – Ч. текста англ.

Maria Ilicheva Norway’s humanitarian projects in the Murmansk Region (1990s —2006) In the 1990s wide and diverse cooperation between the Westcrn countries and Russia was started. Its most characteristic features were contacts on the regional level and special attention to the social projects. It is the regional cooperation, which makes it possible to reserve the potential of intemational relations, accumulated in the previous period, and to give it new forms. Social sphere in this transitional decade was mostly influenced by the destructive reforms, and foreign help could, as it was supposed, to ease this impact. It was social projects, which became an important element o f the intemational contacts in the regions. Taking into consideration the general ineffectiveness of the politics o f the Intemational Currency Fund and the World Bank in Russia, which is still discussed,1 special attention is paid to the activity of lots o f non-state, non- profit organizations. Being often small, they have been acting, and still act, on the level of “grass-roots”, basic contacts and “people’s diplomacy”. Non-profit organizations are especially active in the social sphere, where they make an impact on the forming of the democratic institutions, the civil society, new social structures in the post-Soviet Russia. The social projects, which they realize, broach questions of the daily life o f quite a significant number o f the Russians, influence their relation to the present-day conditions, their psychological directions and stereotypes, way o f thinking and their real actions. These organizations’ activity in Russia only recently began to be studied.2The more important is to define its basic goals, tasks, priority interests. In the bordering regions of Russia social and humanitarian work of the foreign countries has become one of the main lines of the regional cooperation. Highly significant in this relation is the example of the North-West region of the country, having the border with the Nordic countries. These countries have an experience of international cooperation in the social sphere o f long standing, great achievements in elaborating of the social development theory and practice 1 J.Stiglitz. Globalization and Its Discontents. - N.Y., 2002; J.R.Wedel. Collisions and Collusions: The Strange Case of Westem Aid to Eastern Europe 1989-1998. - N.Y., 1998; К.Шектер. Действенные модели международной помощи.// Социальный капитал и социальной расслоение в современной России/ Под ред. Д.Л.Твигг и К.Шектер. М., 2003. - С.275-289; А.Лопес-Кларос. Роль международных финансовых организаций в переходный период в России. - Там же. - С.307-338. Козлов А.А. Социальная работа за рубежом: состояние, тенденции, перспективы. Сборник научных очерков. М., 1998; Социальный капитал и социальное расслоение в современной России / Под ред. Д.Л.Твигг и К.Шектер. - М., 2003; Гуманитарные проекты стран Северной Европы в России: Сборник статей / Под ред. А.В.Воронина, М.Б.Ильичёвой, В.В.Кузя. - Мурманск: МГПУ, 2006 и др. 198