Ильичева, М. Б. Гуманитарные проекты Норвегии в Мурманской области (1990-е - 2006 гг.) / М. Б. Ильичева // Международные отношения на Севере Европы и Баренц-регион : история и историография = International relations in the European North and the Barents Region: history and historiography : материалы российско-норвежского семинара, Мурманск, 19-20 мая, 2007 / Мурм. гос. пед. ун-т, Ин-т истории ун-та г. Тромсе (Норвегия), Баренц-институт (Киркенес, Норвегия). – Мурманск, 2008. – С. 198-204. – Ч. текста англ.
So, the charity programme of the Norwegian Red Cross was increased, but even in this case it could provide with help onlyl5% of the needed. E.g. in February 1999 the Region got 2200 tons of humanitarian cargoes, its cost was 800,000$'°. By the beginning of year 2000 the forms of cooperation in the social sphere bcgan to change. And the Norwegian partners were here the pioneers. The Region’s Administration signed an Agreement with one of the largest non-state charity organization o f thc bordering country - Norwegian People’s Aid. NPA began to realize in Russia the concrete social projects. They were aimed, in general, at health and social issues. The most successful were projects of supporting children with hard life conditions and o f rehabilitation of the disabled children. There were 3 Centres of social support to family and children (Community Centres) —in Nikel, Revda and Umba, supplied with computers and other technical equipment. Norwegians helped not only to organize these Centres, but also to train personnel for them. Very important for the Region was the project, which aimed at improvement the situation in Monchegorsk special institutions for the mentally handicapped children. The goal of the project was to improve the quality o f life for children residing in this institution (30 persons). An experimental model of service for such children was introduced, and the special programme of correction and physical and psychological development. NPA also provided the disabled with used technical equipment. In December 2006 the Norwegian People’s Aid closed down its office in Murmansk, but declared to continue its social projects in Russia. Another example of large-scale cooperation is the activity of the Norwegian Red Cross in the Murmansk Region. This organization cooperates with the Russian Red Cross. This work is done constantly, not from time to time. Starting with the systematic providing humanitarian cargoes to the Murmansk Region, the Norwegian Red Cross later went on to the financing of the projects. Since year 2000 for several years the number o f charitable canteens has been financed. They were organized for children from low-income families and became a kind of the social and rehabilitation centres. Norwegian Red Cross also made a lot to rehabilitate the disabled (there was opened the workshop for repairing technical aids for them), for the mentally handicapped. Every summer the Norwegian Red Cross arranged holiday/rest for the children residing in Monchegorsk special institution, and for groups of residents from Kirovsk special institution. Since 2003 the cooperation with Norwegian organization “Save the children” has been development. It organizes seminars, training etc. on the problems of sexual abuse of children, drug addiction among teenagers and so on. 10 Ibid. 202
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