Ильичева, М. Б. Гуманитарные проекты Норвегии в Мурманской области (1990-е - 2006 гг.) / М. Б. Ильичева // Международные отношения на Севере Европы и Баренц-регион : история и историография = International relations in the European North and the Barents Region: history and historiography : материалы российско-норвежского семинара, Мурманск, 19-20 мая, 2007 / Мурм. гос. пед. ун-т, Ин-т истории ун-та г. Тромсе (Норвегия), Баренц-институт (Киркенес, Норвегия). – Мурманск, 2008. – С. 198-204. – Ч. текста англ.
projects. Forms of their influence to the social, economic, and political situation in the Russian regions are of special interest. It also gives opportunity to present the problem for researching at both regional and national and intcmational levels. In the Murmansk Region many social problems need intent attention of the statc and society. These are the aging of the population, loneliness of the old people, and the impact o f demographic situation on the employment. Difficulties of life in the North are revealed especially in the invalids/disabled, orphans, children from the families without a normal family Iife, one-parent families. Extremely serious social problems are drug addiction and AIDS, and they influenced first of all the young people. The Administration of the Region and the official structures of the different levels take an active part in these contacts. And they pay proper attention not only to the state, but also public organizations. Regional cooperation is based on bilateral agreements between the Murmansk Region and the northern provinces o f the Scandinavian countries and Finland, as well as the regional structures and a number o f the concrete non-profit organizations. The Region’s most active partner in cooperation on the Kola Peninsula is Norway, and social and humanitarian projects have become here one of the main fieids. The state structures and companies of Norway, having their branches in the Murmansk Region, pay significant attention to this area. But non-state public organizations are much more active. On the Kola North four o f the largest Norwegian non-state organizations operate, they are “Norwegian People’s Aid” (a humanitarian organization of the Norwegian Trade Union Movement), non- govemmental organization “Save the Children”, the Norwegian Red Cross and “SOS-Children’s villages”. The sphere of their work in Russia covers many aspects o f the sociai policy and aimed at the achievement o f the qualitative changes in social life and the improvement of the position o f the least protected groups o f population. Besides the direct humanitarian help as it is, the Norwegian organizations realize their projects in the following fields of special purpose: Health service system; Social defence; Integration o f the disabled and socially unprotected groups of population into the society; The development of the Civil society; Human rights and democracy, and the gender equality, in particular. With the help of the Norwegian partners there were created Centres of rehabilitation for the disabled and handicapped, for the children with special needs, Centres o f social help to families and children, Volunteers centres for work with the aged people. An important field is the organization o f the summer holidays o f the Russian children that need a special care. Much attention is paid 200
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