Ильичева, М. Б. Гуманитарные проекты Норвегии в Мурманской области (1990-е - 2006 гг.) / М. Б. Ильичева // Международные отношения на Севере Европы и Баренц-регион : история и историография = International relations in the European North and the Barents Region: history and historiography : материалы российско-норвежского семинара, Мурманск, 19-20 мая, 2007 / Мурм. гос. пед. ун-т, Ин-т истории ун-та г. Тромсе (Норвегия), Баренц-институт (Киркенес, Норвегия). – Мурманск, 2008. – С. 198-204. – Ч. текста англ.

of the social cooperation. They also created models of proved worth o f state and public structures society and individual interaction3. The unique conditions for the development o f regional intemational contacts have led by the 1990s to the creation o f the international organization o f a new type - the Barents European Arctic Region. Since the end of the 1980s the Murmansk Region has become one of the centres o f the regional cooperation in the North-West. The Region’s unique natural wealth, significant power supply resources, and high level o f the social and economic development, geopolitical situation, assisted it. Our leading partners here became the nearest neighbors, Scandinavian countries and Finland, which have their strategic interests in this region. In the framework of the Barents cooperation in the Murmansk region serious projects in the sphere of industry and business, ecology and power engineering, natural resources exploration were realized there4. The social and humanitarian projects took a special place in the regional intemational cooperation. The representative bodies of the foreign state structures and companies, working in the Region, put much attention to them. Still, the main activities in this sphere are realized by non-profit public organizations. It is they, which put into life lots o f large and small projects, touching the daily interests o f the ordinary people, including the least socially protected. In the Murmansk Region, as well as in other areas of the North West Russia, there actively operate philanthropic and religious organizations, state and public foundations from abroad. In this connection, it becomes very actual studying the activity of all these diverse structures. From the scholar point of view, this theme is absolutely not researched, though popular among joumalists. Meanwhile, many problems in this sphere demand now more and more not only political, but scholar analysis and interpretation. Among these problems are, e.g., the defining of the aims and tasks o f the foreign philanthropists, the circle of the problems o f the Russian society, interesting for them, of the mechanisms o f the realization of their 3 Esping-Andersson G. Social Class, Sociai Democracy and State Policy. - Copenhagen, 1980; Heckscher G. The Welfare State and Beyond: Success and Problems in Scandinavia. - Minneapolis, 1984; The Scandinavian Model: Welfare States and Welfare Research / Ed. by R.Erikson et al. - Lnd, 1987; Archer C., Maxwell S. The Nordic Model: Studies in Policy Innovation. - Westmead, 1987; Olsson S.E. Social Policy and Welfare State in Sweden. - Lund, 1993; Petersson O. The Govemment and Politics of the Nordic Countries. - Stockholm, 1994 и др. 4 Крылов С.Б. Сотрудничество на Севере Европы // Международная жизнь. - 1997. - № 9; Романов Е. Российские регионы в трансграничном сотрудничестве // Международная жизнь. - 1997. - № 11-12; Сыченкова Е.В. Европейский Север России: реалии и перспективы международного сотрудничества. - Мурманск, 1999; Соседи на Крайнем Севере. Россия и Норвегия: от первых контактов до Баренцева сотрудничества. - Мурманск, 2001; Евдокимов Ю.А. Баренцев Евро-Арктический регион: 10 лет сотрудничества // Вестник Баренц-Центра МГПУ. - 2002. 199