Голдин, В. И. Россия в гражданской войне. Очерки новейшей историографии : (вторая половина 1980-х - 90-е г.) / В. И. Голдин ; М-во образования Рос. Федерации, Помор. гос. ун-т им. М. В. Ломоносова. - Архангельск : Боргес, 2000. - 277 с. : портр.
Central Powers interventions and their relationship with Soviet and anti-Bolshevik forces are examined in the book. The newer historical literature of this problem, results and consequences of the in terna tiona l in tervention , its peculiarities in the different regions of Russia is considered in a special chapter in comparing the ideas of «world revolution» and some attempts to realize them in the form of Red intervention in the West and East. A history of the anti-Bolshevik movement is of great interest in modern Russia as a result of the political changes in the country during 1990s and because this theme had been forbidden for research during Soviet times. Several dozen monographs, collections of articles and memoirs have been published since the end of 1980s. All of them, as well as the research of the Western scholars, are analyzed in the book. The author tries to compare the content of the very notions of «anti-Bolshevik» and the «White» movement as a serious political affair and idea. The historiography of White state building, social and economic policy, and its peculiarities in the different regions is also considered. The reasons for the defeat of the anti-Bolshevik movement have been a question of debate since the end of the Civil War both in Russia and especially abroad in emigration literature. This problem is described in the book too. A history of Soviet Russia during the Civil War is another topic ready for rethinking both in Russian and Western literature. In Russian historiography during the 1980s-1990s, a drift occurred from a supportive ideological approach to launching a severe criticism of Bolshevik party and Soviet state actions in the war period. A debate between the revisionist and conservative trends in the Western historiography is also analyzed. The author explores such problems as the evolution and cardinal changes in the Russian society, the evolution of the Bolshevik party and Soviet state during the Civil war, a history of terror and special services, War Communism policy, the cultural dimension of the Bolshevik dictatorship, and the Soviet assault on the Church and cultural and spiritual processes. The results, legacy and consequences of the Russian Civil War, and the reasons of the Bolshevik victory are analyzed in the last chapter of the book. An inevitability of
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