Голдин, В. И. Гражданская война в России сквозь призму лет : историографические процессы : монография / В. И. Голдин ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Мурм. гос. гуманитар. ун-т, Сев.-Зап. секция науч. совета РАН по истории соц. реформ, движений и революций. - Мурманск : Мурманский государственный гуманитарный университет, 2012. - 333 с.
The title of the fourth chapter is «1919 in the mirror of the Russian Civil War». The main events and peculiarities of this period of war, historical and his toriographical problems are discovered by the author. The next chapter is de voted to the historiography and main historical events in the county and peculi arities of the international relations development in 1920, which is considered to be the end of the full-scale Russian Civil War. The main evens and processes of history and historiographical problems of the last period of the Civil War in Russia in the beginning of the 1920s analyzed in Chapter 6 of the book. The seventh chapter is devoted to the modem interpretations and discus sions on the White movement history in the Russian Civil War. The newer histo riography of the Red Army, the modem reappraisal of this subject is examined in Chapter 8 of the book.
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