Дзенисов, Г. А. Петроглифы Чальмны-Варрэ: открытие, изучение, сохранение / Г. Дзенисов // Земля TRE : историко-краеведческий альманах. - 2020. - № 5. - С. 47-53: фот.

Петроглифы Чальмны-Варрэ: г. Дзенисов открытие, изучение, сохранение uzemsov P e t rog l y ph e s of C h a l m n y - V a r r e : DISCOVERY, STUDY, PRESERVATION Открытие К 1970-м гг. памятники наскального искусства были известны уже на территории всей Фенноскандии, кроме Кольского полуострова. Поэтому для рекон­ струкции мировоззрения древних племен Кольско­ го полуострова ученые вынуждены были привлекать в качестве одного из источников наскальные изобра­ жения Карелии и Скандинавии (Гурина 1977). Впро­ чем, специалисты вполне допускали возможность об­ наружения подобных объектов в Мурманской обла­ сти (Полевой отчет... 1973). Однако ни одной из археологических экспедиций, работавших на территории края, долгое время по объективным (слабая изученность региона) и субъек­ тивным (отсутствие целенаправленных поисков) при­ чинам не удавалось зафиксировать памятники на­ скального искусства. На рубеже 1960-70-х гг. было принято решение о Илл. 1. Экспедиция на байдарках подплывает к д. Ивановка на Поное —сейчас будут открыты первые наскальные выбивки Чальмн-Варрэ. 1973 г. (по записи в полевом дневнике В.Я. Шум­ к и н а - 12.07.1973). Fig. 1. The expedition on the kayaks is sailing to the village Ivanovka on the Ponoy river - the first Chalmn-Varre rock carvings will be discovered soon. 1973. (according to the record in the V. Shumkin's field daybook - 12.07.1973). Discovery Petrogluphs were found during an archaeological research of the Ponoy river area that was supposed to be flooded in 1973 during the construction o f a hydroelectric power station. That was an expedition of the Leningrad branch o f the Institute of Archaeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences. At July 10, 1973 in the middle reaches o f the Ponoy river on a rocky boulders near the village of Chalm- ny-Varre, Vladimir Shumkin discovered 6 free-standing flat stones with zoomorphic and anthropomorphic images carved on them. It is interesting that all the previous ex­ peditions o f geographers, geologists and other scientists, rafting down the Ponoy river, did not notice these carv­ ings. In 1989, during the work o f the Kola archaeological expedition, which continued the study o f the monument under the leadership o f V. Shumkin, 4 more stones were discovered, on which more than 40 images were recorded. Study In total, by 1977, 6 stones containing 121 silhouette im­ ages were discovered (Gurina 1992). Nina Gurina identi­ fied seven styles o f depicting a deer (elk or reindear) and five styles o f human images, as well as two chronological layers: the early one, with figures in a more realistic man­ ner, the final stage o f the neolithic period (end o f the 3rd millennium BC), and the later, with more schematic ab­ stract figures - the era o f early metal (Il-I millennium BC). The generalizing work of N.N. Gurina based on the results o f field studies o f rock carvings 1974-1977 came out only in 2005, after the death o f the researcher, immediately be­ coming a bibliographic rarity (Gurina 2005). Continuing the work o f N. Gurina, her student Vlad­ imir Shumkin developed a number o f her ideas and as­ sumptions. In particular, V. Shumkin develops the idea of Gurina on the use of petroglyphs during magical rituals, focusing on the isolation o f the complex from populated areas, up to the beginning o f the 20th century and draw­ ing analogies with similar monuments in Fennoscandia (Shumkin 2004). 2020 TRE 47