Catalogue of Lakes in the Russian, Finnish and Norwegian Border Area = [Каталог озер в приграничном районе России, Финляндии и Норвегии] / Nikolay A. Kashulin, Vladimir A. Dauvalter, Sergey S. Sandimirov etc. - Apatity : Institute of the North Industrial Ecology Problems KSC RAS etc., 2008. - 141 с. : ил., табл.

Hakanson (1980). Nickel has the highest value Cf. According to Hakanson’s classifica­ tion, the degree of contamination (185.2) of this lake is high, and it is the second most contaminated of the studied lakes after Lake Kuetsjarvi, which also receives effluent directly from the Pechenganikel smelter complex. Lake LOI Cu Ni Zn Co Cd Pb As Hg cd Haukilampi 0-1 17- 18 35.49 30.71 1500 28 6139 72 2004 119 266 39 1.91 0.20 5.0 1.3 27.8 12.4 0.250 0.039 c, 54.1 85.1 16.9 6.8 9.7 3.9 2.2 6.5 185.2 1.1.3. Hydrobiological studies No direct hydrobiological investigations have been carried out in this lake. Accord­ ing to earlier data for some lakes near Lake Haukilampi (Yakovlev et al., 1991), the biodiversity of plankton and benthos communities is poor. The dominant species are chironomids, water bugs and beetles. Sensitive species (mayfly, caddis fly and cyclo- poids) and fish species affected by pol­ lution are absent. 1.2. LAKE KASKAMAJARVI Lake Kaskamajarvi (watershed of the River Paz) is located near to the settle­ ment of Rajakoski, and 34 km to the south-west of the town of Nikel and 5 km from the river border with Norway. It is a small (area of the lake is 2.36 km2), shallow (maximum depth 13 m) lake with an indented shoreline and is Physico-geographica characteristics Watershed River Paz Latitude 69°16.405' Longitude 29°26.189' Height above sea level, m 68.9 Maximum length, km 3.4 Maximum width, km 2.4 Maximum depth, m 13 Area, m2 2.36 Watershed area, km2 23.0 Study period 2002-2004 Table 1. Organic matter contents (LOI, % ) and heavy metal concentrations (pg/g, dry weight) in the surface (0-1 cm) and pre-indus­ trial (17-18 cm) sediment layers. Cfand Cdare con­ tamination factor and degree of contamination values, respectively. Fig. 7. Vertical distribution of the concentrations of Ni, Си, Zn, Cd and Hg (pg/g, dry weight) in the sediment core of Lake Haukilampi. Catalogue of Lakes in the Russian, Finnish and Norwegian BorderArea 15